Friday, May 26, 2006

New Job Stress

I started my new job this week, and I seem to have forgotten how stressful changing jobs can be. My new job title is “Director of all Colin’s day time needs”. Yep I bit the bullet and have dedicated my life to my little boy. Although I have not abandoned my old career all together, working part time I have had to accept that professional growth will be all but nil for some years to come. Amongst other things I am still paying off one of my student loans which leaves me to question my sanity and logic. But then why have children if you don’t intend on spending lots of time with them, more over I really believe I have something to offer my son (time, not brains). The day care Colin has spend the last 9 month with has truly set the bar quite high for me, (the ladies at the local Tutor Time they really know their stuff). In fact the only reason we pulled him out is so that we might selfishly spend more time with him, we feel developmentally his old day care was outstanding.

So what have I learned in my new job so far? Well fist of all Colin, is worth every second, but in turn he demands every second. Second some how I now have even less time than I had before (my wife does not seem to understand this). Third my new job is all about constant and merciless repetition. Fourth, I visit the Offmen blog only during naps. Fourth and finally once the napping sequence has started, DO NOT ABORT, even if your lovely wife is home early and says she will “take over”.

No music while the boy naps


Sickboy said...

the time spent with Colin now will be worth a million in your eyes. When Ava was stil a wee one, I did the same thing and that was to stay home with her and answer to her every call and it was an amazing time for me.

You will be and do just fine.

Anonymous said...

why oh WHY can I not find a man like you????

Martin said...

Good for you Scott. I switched to 3rd shift at work so I could be at home w/ the girl, now girls, while Mo worked during the day. I love it. I'm happy to be in a position with the flexability that allows this. Even if it means 4 hours of sleep a day.

dad-e~O said...

yea, thats the way we did it too. totaly worth the sacrifice.