Thursday, June 15, 2006


CHICAGO Jun 15, 2006 (AP)— Groups opposed to circumcision are watching the case of an 8-year-old suburban Chicago boy whose divorced parents are fighting in court over whether he should have the procedure.

The child's mother wants him circumcised to prevent recurring, painful inflammation she says he's experienced during the past year. But the father says the boy is healthy and circumcision, which removes the foreskin of the penis, is an unnecessary medical procedure that could cause him long-term physical and psychological harm.

Talk about an odd court battle....could you imagine being the poor kid?


dad-e~O said...

I was just uuummmmm, pondering my circumcision and thinking about.... my long term long-term physical and psychological harm.
shall I sue the doctor?
what a farce.
We actually signed :I promise not to sue" waivers when Jake and Max were born and thusly snipped.

on a not so unrelated note, that broad or her dufas soon to be ex need to show Jr how to keep it clean.

Michael said...

Isn't there a movie where someone saved their foreskin in a jar?

How y'all been?

dad-e~O said...

hey man, where you been?

Sickboy said...

Hi Mr. S. how have you been? Long time no see...