Wednesday, June 07, 2006

erics story

I figured instead of telling each and every one of you my story separately I would voice my needs here so you could all tap into what I am going through right now. I have come to the most difficult crossroads in my life thus far. I have beat addiction and I have beaten illness, but this is by far, the hardest thing I have yet to endure.

As most of you know, I am currently going through the process of trying to get fed. Disability. This process is long and very drawn out and can take some time. I am living with my parents right now due to my financial hardships. Well, my parents decided to move back to Illinois due to a few big reasons, mainly over the fact that my step dad will end up in a home within the next few years due to the bastard known as Alzheimer’s disease. My mom is also a severe diabetic and the health care here sucks; it is very far from great.

I am moving away from my daughter.

Yes, that read right; I am moving away from my little girl and it is killing me inside. Im not like the normal person you may or may not know; I don’t recover from hurt was easily as you may. This decision has caused me to question all I am including my own life and existence.

My move away will not be permanent; it will be temporary until my disability comes through. It may be several months, but just think about being away from your kid(s) for several months. Yeah, kills you too, huh?

That is my story. A week from now I will be back in Illinois living 300 and some odd miles away from my little girl.

I hate myself for what this has done and I really detest my life right now.

That’s my story……sorry if you didn’t wanna hear about it but I needed to vent it out so I could fell better.



Scott said...

I don’t know Eric none of this stuff is easy. I think if I were to find my self in your shoes I would have to find a way to convince my self that no matter what I would find the strength within me to get back to my family no matter what. I might start with verbally telling my self every day that I am confident and capable finding the means to return to my family ASAP, even if I truly believed to the contrary. I guess that goes along with the whole idea of self serving your self some Hope, when you realize nobody else will go up to the buffet and get it for you. I am certain your daughter believes in you, try believing in your self, and keep returning to that belief every time you fall.

Sickboy said...

thanks Scott. I do have a very hard time believing in myself most of the time, but I may have to learn to try now.

Its about time.

dad-e~O said...

pure force of will and sacrifice. alot can be accomplished.
you are in our thoughts.
persivere my friend persavere

Sickboy said...

thanks PJB.

steve butt said...

all i can give you is love. i hope that there is plenty in your your's and your daughter's lives. don't give up your hope. a world with out hope is hopeless.

Sickboy said...

thanks steve, I totally appreciate your kind words and I know Ill make it through this it is just so hard to see the finish line right now.

Ive been known to freak out and then yet survive, so that is what Ill prolly do....freak, then survive.