Wednesday, June 07, 2006

I think this is a good idea:

OMAHA, Nebraska (AP) -- President Bush stressed the need for immigrants to learn American values and culture if they are to become citizens, as he paid a visit Wednesday to this heartland state where the Hispanic population is on the rise.

Bush said upon his return to Washington, he would sign an executive order creating a task force that will expand English, civics and history classes to help more foreigners assimilate into America. It will be led by Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff.

"One aspect of making sure we have an immigration system that works, that's orderly and fair, is to actively reach out and help people assimilate into our country," Bush said. "That means to learn the values and history and language of America."


Sickboy said...

I just think it is a good idea to at least instill the Nation's language into those coming to live here legally. I also think it is a good idea to teach them our new values: lets face it, we look at and value things alot diff. than other nations.

steve butt said...

i agree with this as well. it is not an answer to the imigration problem but a good step in education. but from the source i would guess that it is another bunch of meaningless words spoken for political gain and some under funded program will be the only real result.

i also believe that if americans actual took the time to learn about the other cultures of the world, we would not be as scared of them.

dad-e~O said...

I would also chime in as agreeing, but again we don't need to fuck with the Constitution with a "National Language Amendment" just help people learn.
I work with people from who speak great English and some who speak crappy English.
Could you imagine being in a place where you couldn't communicate your needs to those around you? that would suck.

Martin said...

Homeland Security in charge of cultural affairs and education? Did I read that right? sounds a little 1984 to me.
Did the department of education get taken over by Homeland Security too?

Martin said...

I've been a proponent of English as the National Language for years. I've sent letters to congressmen on this issue I believe in it so strongly. An amendment on this would allow the government to produce documents in English only instead of having to print things like voting ballots in 15 different languages. the history of this country is written in English and so should it's future be.

Sickboy said...

I could not agree wi th you more on this one Mike. I also get sick and tired of seeing things printed in 15 diff. languages everywhere you go in todays' world.

Scott said...

Mi perro Monty es payaso

Sickboy said...


english only mr.

Martin said...

your dog is what?

Sickboy said...

I think its something about his dogs nose and his balls.....

Scott said...

A clown