Tuesday, June 20, 2006

In the news.....

OK, now I will admit it, being part of this would be way cool.

HAGATNA, Guam (AP) -- Three aircraft carriers filled the skies with fighters as one of the largest U.S. military exercises in decades got underway Tuesday off this island in the western Pacific.

For the first time ever, a Chinese delegation was sent to observe the U.S. war games. But as the show of American military power began, North Korea -- one of the region's most unpredictable countries -- was rattling some swords of its own.

The maneuvers, dubbed "Valiant Shield," bring three carriers together in the Pacific for the first time since the Vietnam War. Some 30 ships, 280 aircraft and 22,000 troops will be participating in the five-day war games, which end Friday.

The exercises are intended to boost the ability of the Navy, Air Force and Marines to work together and respond quickly to potential contingencies in this part of the world, U.S. military officials said. Even U.S. Coast Guard vessels were joining in the maneuvers.

"The exercises are taking place on land, sea, air, space and cyberspace," said Senior Master Sgt. Charles Ramey. "They cover the whole spectrum."


dad-e~O said...

not to sound like a lefty / cynic or anything... but. aren't we pissing enough money away in the:
middle east?
Korea border?
and god only knows where else?
there are loads of places where those $$ could be more benificial then "War games" (Saber Rattling)
If we were to spend the time and $$ we are using in the western pacific, in the iraq dabacle instead, mabye we could save a life or two.
but then again, I'm drunk so...

Scott said...

So Eric, which branch did you see your self serving in?

Sickboy said...

I see myself as a typical ground pounding marine. I dont have the smarts to be in the navy or air force....Id be all ground action w/ an M 16 in my hands...

Martin said...

Training like this is what keeps casualties so low. While 2500+ lives of soldiers is a terrible waste, can you imagine what the losses would be without this type of coordinated intesive training.

BTW, I don't think NASA is a waste of money, it is one of the last vestiges of the pioneering spirit and drive to explore that helped bring this country to it's place of prominence in the world.

dad-e~O said...

whoops, sorry mr.spacecamp.
I don't disagree with training, but training in the pacific with press releases.. is that compleatly necesary?

steve butt said...

we had to do a press release and invite the chinese. who do you think we were trying to intimidate with this exercise? however, the training is good. and nasa is not a waste of money.

Martin said...

If the display of military force helps dissuade potential enemies from aggressive acts, then I think it's money, time and resources well spent. Of course said potential enemies could construe these excercises as a threat themselves, which they are in an indirect way. such are the ways of international diplomacy.

dad-e~O said...

alright, I'm in the minority. I guess now I know how Eric feels sometimes.