Monday, June 26, 2006

In the news.....

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The Senate began debate Monday on a proposed constitutional amendment that would prohibit the desecration of the American flag, the latest in a series of election-year votes pushed by the chamber's Republican leaders.

Observers give the flag amendment a better chance of passing than the one to ban same-sex marriages that was defeated earlier this month.

That was another vote aimed at mobilizing the GOP's conservative base before November's midterm elections.

A vote is expected this week, before the Fourth of July congressional recess

How do you feel? Is the flag just a piece of cloth and nothing more or does it truly stand for what this Country is?


Mark M said...

Everywhere I turn, I'm bombarded by the sight of unpatriotic heathens desecrating flags. OW!!! It offends, it offends! Make it stop! Mr. Obama, make ... bad .. thing ... go. away.

dad-e~O said...

Ha, ha, ha, thats great mark.
Seriosly though, the flag does symbolize what makes this country great, which is exactly why we do not nead an ammendment banning its desecration.
the KKK and it's ilk hide behind the flag, as far as I'm concerened thats more of a desecration then lighting it on fire and pissing on it.

Martin said...

OK, this is just wrong. If this thing had gone through I may have been tempted to burn one just to make a point.