Wednesday, June 14, 2006

in response to thought of the day

"you still don't understand," the grey voice droned on. "there is no time, there is no space. what was, is, and ever shall be. you are you, playing chess with yourself, and again have checkmated yourself. you are the referee. morals are your agreement with yourself to abide by your own rules. to thine own self be true or you spoil the game."
"then vary the rules and play a different game. you cannot exhaust her infinite variety."
"if you would just let me look at your face," lazarus muttered pettishly.
"try a mirror."
-time enough for love, robert heinlein

down in it, nine inch nails


Scott said...

Just so you know, Lazarus has sex with the twin female clones of him self, of whom he raised as daughters… in this same book.

steve butt said...

hey that sounds like alot of fun. i'd try it in a heartbeat. of course there are some who would call that the ultimate narcissism

steve butt said...

besides the sex with his twin female clones happened just before he travelled back in time and had sex with his mother

Scott said...

Hehehe, yeah I forgot about that one. it was a long book, read many years ago.

steve butt said...

yea, i just liked it so much that i have reread it over and over. just like stranger in a strange land.

dad-e~O said...

this book sounds fun....