Tuesday, June 06, 2006

keeping with the lighter side

my family has just taken in a new kitten. he is black and fluffy and just loves to run up and leap into the air and land claws first on my leg and since it is hot lately(although we had some wonderful rain storms today) i've been wearing shorts. i still love the little critter and have an ample supply of hydrogen peroxide. (and maybe some day i'll figure out how to post photos)


Martin said...

I like dogs and I like cats. some people say you can't like both, but I disagree. While I love the loyalty and trainability of dogs, except my own neurotic, stupid dog, cats are pretty cool too. They're incredible predators, like furry little sharks.

Martin said...

What's kitty's name, anyway?

dad-e~O said...

cats are undeniably cool, I have a fundamental problem with an animal on my counters and tables that was just scratching on his own movments.

Scott said...

I like them both, but Pamela is allergic to cats, and Rose thinks all cats should die...So we will not be getting one any time soon. Monty however thinks they are little doggies who want to be humped. Of course he feels that way about all critters, including a Brahma bull he came in contact with a few weeks ago… and yes that was very interesting to watch!

Sickboy said...

I LOVE cats and have had several at one time before. My recent ex and I had 5 at one time. The only time it got a little annoying was when they would decide to run around like a herd of small elephants at 2 AM.

Sickboy said...

"Furry little sharks." I like that one a lot.

Sickboy said...

...And also Scott; it seems you have countless great monty and rose stories, I would love to hear more of them....

steve butt said...

captain midnight is this little critter's name. i don't dislike dogs i just like cats better. we have a pug and five outside dogs in addition to our other cat. we are down on animals right now. use to have two goats, a llama, six chickens, and a ferret. oh and i can't leave out the two goldfish

dad-e~O said...

ferrets are fun but stinky little things,

Martin said...

I talked to some english guy at the pub who had a pet goat when he was a kid(the guy, not the goat,ha ha). His mom made him get rid of it when it starting butting people.

Martin said...

One of my neigbors had an indoor cat named Osama. Anyway, one night Osama got out so my neigbor is wandering around the block calling "Osama!, Osama! Come here, Osama!" I wonder what the other neigbors thought.

dad-e~O said...

strange name for a cat, was the neighbor American with a sence of humor, or a forigner with a culteraly appro' name.

Martin said...

Couple of American kids. One is an ex-student of Mo's oddly enough.

steve butt said...

the neighbor's probably thought that this was really just a part of dubya's crack osama search team operations