Friday, May 30, 2008

Been a while

---Well, since it has been so long since I posted to the blog, I figured Id take some time out tonight to chime in. How ya'll doing? Hows the biz PJB/Tif? Hows your new little bundle of joy doing Scott?

It was a pretty quiet week for me here, nothing major or life changing to report, but for me, hah, thats a good thing. It has slowly but surely getting warmer and warmer each and everyday now. I think today we hit 84. Weve had some really nasty, mean assed weather haul through Iowa as of late. I dunno if you guys have time to catch the news but there was a small town up in the corner of the state that was totally demolished by an F-5 twister within the past week. I mean, for reals, the town, its just...gone! We had some solid thunderstorms move through here in the middle of the night last night. I can remember being woken up by lightning, but thats it. I guess this storm ended up up rooting trees around the metro area and what have ya. Im just shocked I snoozed through like 98% of it!

Next month, I will be helping the ex out with a fashion show that centers around the national Packard Kustom Car Club, so that should be bad ass. After I got the knife to the gut from the ex this past week, I didnt wanna do an effin thing for her and I still really dont want to, but if this will keep things cool between us, then Ill be happy to oblige. Plus she already knows that the day I see Ava in the arms of another guy, playing all Mr. Dad w/ her, everyone just best run real fast. Thats all Im gonna say there!

Ive conceived my next piece of ink, but it wont be happening all too soon. Its gonna be a homage to my Grandfather and to Den. BIG piece on the arm w/ whats left of what I have to work with. Maybe this fall.

Well, I havent seen anyone around here as of late, I know you guys are busy, which is cool. I check in everyday hoping to see someone has stopped in. Maybe my little post here will get some of you guys talkin' again.

I wish I had a swimming pool.

Speaking of swimmin' pools, any of you boys remember the killer pool parties Frank used to throw? Ah, yes, GREAT memories there.

Gimmie some sugar baby---


Scott said...

Hey it got up to 74 here today, and 90% humidity, what a sauna! I think it has been the hottest day yet for us. It got real windy out here earlier today. I think we experienced a microburst? Two large limbs down in our yard, and two large trees down in our neighbors yard and both were nothing compared to the two very large black Oak trees down in another neighbors yard. We had an appointment to take our newest little master to the doc for her two week check up today, and found that the two roads that exit our neighbor hood were both blocked with multiple trees and power lines downed. Not to fear a twenty minute detour fixed that and needles to say we were a lot late for her appointment!

Hey I would like to hear more about that national Packard Custom Car Club. Little “C’s” middle name is Packard. The two Packard brothers who started that same auto business are a part of his pedigree, along with members of the Dodge family. Lots of Americana on that side of the family, all I gave him was a shit load of German artists and industrialists and a rescripted Irish name.

Yes I remember Franks swimming parties… although all I really recall was being very inebriated on multiple tropical drinks, made by Frank!

Sickboy said...

I shall, for you Scott, dig up more info. (if I can before it is held) on this Packard Custom Club. The only thing I know right now is Im in charge of my ex's music that night for her models.

I feel like a dirty, rotten, old assed mother fucker when she has models on display, they are all kittens in their early 20s, some barely even that, and here I am drooling. But seriously, Ill get info. if I can and email it to ya, just gimmie time.

Yeah, Frank's pool parties were always over filled with tropical drinks, the kinda drinks now that would make my toes curl and my tummy turn, but back then, hell, they served their purpose!!!

Im glad you guys survived your storms safely. The past couple of nights were kinda rough around here too, but tonight, its just balmy and sticky.

Sickboy said...

The only thing I know about it right now Scott is that the building owner of my exs' place owns 4 of them. He keeps them in the garage behind the building.

They look soooooo damn sweet

dad-e~O said...

mmmmmm, models....