Monday, May 19, 2008

Happy Mondays kids!!!

---Tomorrow night, Obama will be here in town and I think Im gonna go. My ex and the kid are going. My ex loves Obama, Im just gonna feel him out, see if I can get a vibe from him.

How was your weekend?

Looks like we have a rainy week ahead of us.---


dad-e~O said...

you said "Feel him out"....
snicker, giggle, giggle, snicker

sp9000 said...

Is it wrong for a man to get a "vibe" off another man?

Sickboy said...

you know, after careful consideration, I think it would be Scott. I retract my statement.

sp9000 said...

Hey E, all teasing aside did you go? How was it?

Hope his followers didnt go and abduct you....

Any how hope we were not to rough on you, my mind is not as sharp as it is when I am getting regular amounts of sleep.