Monday, May 12, 2008

Psssst. Hey Tif.........

---How are you feelin?

Its been nice having you here in PJs' place since he is so darn busy. Not that I dont love the tall bastard any less, but its still a fresh change. He is one seriously focused man, I can remember how hard he worked at his b.s. high school jobs, I cant imagine the focus he must have with your business!

How is the biz? Seems like you guys are gettin slammed and if ya are and as long as you remain sane, I say GOOD FOR YOU!

Yeah Tif, I have a truckload of ink work done, but none on my feet, Ive heard it can hurt like a mofuckey, being so close to the bone and all. I like your idea though. I go to my chest and ribs for more work next and Ive been told by many people that ribcage work is the worst there is. No, biggie its only pain, find that spot on the wall and stare away, thats what I do if it gets too intense for me and there is nothing wrong with telling your artist to back the heck off for a minute either. Remember, YOU are paying him/her.

How are the 2 boys? Are they being good? Hows crazy pup Barley?

I didnt do much today, grilled some killer steaks for dinner which was nice. Got put on antibiotics for the nasty spider bite on my left ear that keeps changing shape and size.

Get back at me when you get a few ticks, I know youre around---


dad-e~O said...

Dude, are you like hitting on my wife...

Tif said...

I hear the foot hurts a lot. I would like to put it where i can see it from time to time but hide it as well. The idea of putting a tat that stands for my children on my FOOT seems a little odd too.but like i said I want to see it and hide it.
remember Peters triangle on his chest i got that on my back with some tribal vine like things and i'm bumed that i can't look at it
the biz is doing really well and peter is working hard. Seriously focused are just a few words i would use. however he is his learning to take time out for fun and family. it helps that i remind him.
The boys are good. This time of year always get a little tough. Last month of school and all. Jake will be in Jr high next fall and max is running for pres of the u.s. next week. they are growing up so fast.
The puppy is a mess but we are going to puppy classes and I think I'm learning at lot. It will help when i'm stronger and able to deal with her a little better.
I see the doc today.

Sickboy said...

HI PJ!!! Glad youre here.

Ive decided my next piece of ink is going on the right side of my neck for everyone to see. I dont hide my work. As a matter of fact, I have gotten all my work in places where it can be seen, this way if people are curious about me or the work, they can ask. If they are disgusted with it, they can look away. I have nothing offensive that is visible. My work is part of who I am really so Im not gonna hide myself. Ive been out to eat with my ex and been put in the back of the restaurant before because of my work, also because they had a big party goin on in the other room and I guess that they didnt want me sittin in the same room with a bunch of kids cuz Im inked.

I know all this work has killed my chance of ever landing a high paying, white collar bullshit slave like job, but thats OK to me cuz I now know Ill never be a part of that mentality.