Friday, October 31, 2008


---Well, today was the big day. Myself, along with my ex and my daughter went to see Sen. Obama speak with about 25,000 other people in Downtown Des Moines this morning. To be blunt, it was fucking AWESOME! This man needs to be the next President of the US.

The whole thing was surreal. Here I was standing maybe 12 feet away from one of the most talked about people in the world, all the while sharp shooters do their thing by walking about on the roof tops of nearby buildings. Barack spoke for about 35 mins. and I let every word sink in.

I obviously cant tell you who to vote for, but if you already havent voted early, PLEASE exercise your RIGHT as an AMERICAN and hit the polls on Tuesday, ok? This election will change the way the rest of the world looks at us for a long while to come, so use your noggin and get out there and vote cuz right now, on a Worldly scale, we aint lookin too good, ya dig!!!---


"aye laddie"

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Obama Rally

---Well, the ex knows Dems in high places so we have 3 VIP tickets for tomorrows rally here in Des Moines. They are expecting 100,000 people, thats, um, a TON for a city this size and to think there is a good chance we will only be a few feet away from him! My daughter will remember being 5 years old and seeing the future President for the rest of her life, its something very important to us. This just isnt your run of the mill politician, this one, to me and to millions of others, is special.

Hes set to hit the podium at 1130 tomorrow morning, so if you get the chance to turn on CNN or MSNBC or even FOX, please do so, maybe youll see me. Ill guess one of those damn cable news channels will be covering him. If not give it a couple hours and do a search on You tube, it'll be there. Ill report back sometime tomorrow with a feel of what is was like...until then...take care boys!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Quote of the week...

Rosa sat, so Martin could walk...Martin walked, so Obama could run...Obama is running, so our children can FLY!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

What do you want?

---Hes coming here Friday!!! I will get to witness a piece of history even before its official!!!

So, what do you want or expect out of an Obama presidency?---

Monday, October 27, 2008

Breaking news...

---Just a few hours ago, the ATF broke up a plot to assassinate Obama while he was in Arizona. The people involved? 2 WP skins.

I truly hope this is not a sign of things to come once he wins and is in office, but if you think about it all great black leaders from the past 50 years or so have been killed, then left with sketchy motives as to why.

MLK...Malcolm what, Obama?

I sure hope not, I want him to change this nation and I dont want a bunch of hate mongering Repubs. all dancing for joy...not all, but some would.

Then I think half this country would burn. Talk about riots, holy shit!!!

Just thought you guys might wanna know.---

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Bobby and Barack...

---This is pretty cool. My Mom wont have it but a lot of peeps are comparing Sen. Obama to the likes of Bobby and John Kennedy. Ill agree, that may be a bit extreme, but the vid. is worth watching anyways.

I saw today that the Anchorage AK. news paper endorsed Obama as their pick. HAHA, poor old Palin cant even get a paper from her own state to endorse her. They said she was a poor choice for McCain to grab up as a runnin mate...not enough experience.---

Saturday, October 25, 2008


.....Adolf Hitler took a cyanide capsule and stuck it up his pooper. Then he put a gun to his head and blew his head off. For those of you that believe in White Supremacy, follow your leader!
---M. Ness

---Im still getting email from all my old Repub. friends I used to chat with on the interwebs up until about a month and a half ago. Thats when it all started. The questions, the second guessing...all of it. It was then that I realized that the GOP had not only betrayed me, but betrayed itself by choosing a leader like McCain and that fucking psycho whore Palin. I started to look deep down inside myself, to who I truly was, to you guys, to people I really loved and who loved me. I knew Id piss off some, but such is life. Just think about how many Barack Obama is pissing off right now, hah. I cant wait to vote, I am so excited this time around. My email inbox has been flooded w/ Repub. propaganda and it feels so good to not even bother with reading it and sending it straight to the trash folder.

The man of the hour has taken on incredible odds. He has done what no man has done before. He has climbed and conquered a MAMMOTH mountain of obstacles to get to where he is. I am proud to know he is a fellow Chicagoian and I am PROUD to know he will be my next President. The GOP has destructed and fallen to pieces. No more same ole bullshit year after year, its time for something new.

If you dont like it, shut your damn mouth and get the hell out of the way!---

Story time...

---Here is a little story my ex and my girl had last night before going to bed. It really made me think. OK, read away....

I was watching Rachel Maddow, which is an MSNBC show that covers politics....Rachel is nice and kind and not angry, throws some snark in but is very intelligent and cool.

A segment came on about the chick who faked the whole "Obama lunatic angry black man carved a "B" on my face!" thing.

Ava was playing but started paying attention and asking questions. I explained to her that the girl lied to the police and said a black man attacked her and carved a B on her face because he was mad she didn't like Obama and liked McCain better.

The footage showed the girl cuffed and headed to jail, so Ava asked why. I said, its against the law to lie to the police. And its also very bad to make up a story to make black people look bad.

She said "That girl is a bully and should go to jail forever!!!". And asked why she didn't like black people. I had to tell her some people even now don't like black people and are mean to them,

Her face got really sad, and I asked her....does that make you sad?

She quietly said, "That makes me really sad. Really, really sad." & was quiet.

(seriously this was a reeeeeaaallly hard moment for me....)

I have read her that book I got her called "Henry's Freedom Box", and have explained a little about slavery. In the book, Henry is a child slave, grows up and marries another slave woman who was owned by another master who allowed it, and sold her to his master. They had kids (this is a true story, BTW). His master took ill and lost money, and Henry is told one day at work in his master's factory that his master was selling his wife and kids out in the town square. He got there in time to see them being hauled away.

He eventually escaped his master by literally MAILING himself in a wooden crate to someone a white friend of slaves hooked him up with up north, had a harrowing ride on a boat....upside down, little air, no food for days. He found freedom but never saw his wife and kids again.

Yeah, it was hardcore for a small child. I didnt realize it would be. But its also true....and we cant pretend like it didnt happen, and she needs to know.

Anyway, she then said to me....."We didnt ever slave black people did we? Oh, no, we couldn't...we weren't even invented then".


"Would they slave Daddy? His skin is brown."

I explained no, Daddy wasnt invented then either....and Daddy is really "white", but darker. She talked about a kid in her class named Dean who is so dark there is no "lightness" to his skin. She went on to ask if people who don't like black people are mean to kids.

I told her no (which is probably a lie), and said its grown ups being mean to grown ups and its wrong. She said "We're good white people, right? We aren't mean to black people."

I agreed and told her yes, we are good...and that I was proud of her for being a good person. That skin color doesn't matter.....whether light or dark skinned as white people or light or dark skinned as black people, we're all the same.

She finally let it go......but I don't doubt it will stay with her. I'm pretty pissed at McCain and his constant hate mongering that inspired this stunt. More than that, I'm pissed that when a black man is this close to doing something incredible for the country....this WORLD we live in and she will grow up in, that racist assholes would try to destroy it. And the fallout is affecting our children.

Pretty deep shit coming from a nearly 6 year old kid huh? It blew me away! Shes a smart little one. But yeah, it just goes to show what the McCain boys and girls are up to and how they are breeding so much hate which they hope can carry then to the polls. Fuck guys, Im smelling a damn landslide here. That old ass, unhealthy, ugly prick doesnt stand a chance. Then Palin can go back to Alaska and shoot moose with her Dad cuz she'll never be welcomed in DC. She goes out and blows 150K on a new look, yet at the same time shes "just like every other hard working American family out there." Bullshit. I hope on election night she throws some kind of temper tantrum for the whole world to see so she finally puts the last nail in her coffin, thus never being welcomed in DC again. Damn bitch.

But anyways, the kid got pretty deep on Mom last night and I wanted to share it with you guys to show you that even innocent little 5 year old girls are being effected by McCain's bullshit.---

Friday, October 24, 2008

Ramblings of a recent convert.

---I havent been on the Obama train long, but Im proud I am now. I can just feel such hope and excitement when I look at him, not to mention his opponent, Sen. McCain is a fucko.

My Mom ( as some of you knew/know) is a Bible thumping, devil rebuking, speakin in tongues kinda Christian. Its her life. I respect it, but ever since I admitted to her that Im voting Obama, my ass has been in the hot seat, so keep me in your thoughts guys, ok?

She is determined to "watch the country go down the tubes" when Barack stomps all over Mr. Dipshit and his bitch in tow. Fuck McCain and that know nothing Palin. Gosh darn, it terrifies me to think she could be a heart attack away from the Presidency if they would actually win.

Did you hear about that bitch McCain volunteer that claimed she was jumped by a "black guy" and that he tried to engrave a B (for Barack, duh) into the side of her face? Yep. you guessed it, was all a hoax, she did confess after a while. Ole McCain doesnt come out to say that its wrong either...good one Senator!

Its all down to the Electoral College and Barack has more than half of what he needs to win

Remember......YES WE CAN!---

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Terry Tate

---You may remember Terry Tate from some gym shoe ads from several years ago. Just watch the whole clip from start to finish. Trust me.

You mostly all know that my Mom is a devout born again Christian. I have so much respect for her cuz of that youll never know. Right now, my home stands firmly divided due to the upcoming election. Its pretty intense. If the flack I am catching is just a drop of what Obama has caught to get where he is today, then Im not worthy.

Hope or Hate? YOU decide. On Nov. 4th, I will decide.

For MLK, hope

For Bobby Kennedy, hope

For JFK, hope

For Malcolm X, hope

For COUNTLESS others who have come and gone, I choose hope, especially for the apple of my eye.


Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Let it be...

This video gave me goosebumps. Fuck McCain. Fuck Palin. Fuck the establishment.

Obama is getting ready to make history and he deserves the respect due. It took me a while, but my eyes have been opened now. On Nov. 4th Senator Obama will shine as a new era of US politics is lifted in.

Its time for a change.

Fuck the system.

Around the House

A few snippits of conversation from the last few days around the house:
Boy#1: Hey Dad!
Dad: ..... (I hate it when he is trying to get his parents attention using Hey as a prefix
Boy#1: Dad, how do you spell Antithesis?
Dad: I believe it's L O O K I T U P
BOY#1: no really
Dad: no really
Boy#1: I saw a Viagra ad in Popular Mechanics, why?
Dad: Because, often the guys who are interested in Popular Mechanics, are the same guys who need Viagra
Boy#2: What's Viagra
Dad: A pill that older men might want
Boy#2: What's it do.
Dad: since you asked.... it helps mens penis' work sexually
Boy#2: Sorry I asked
Boy#1: Giggle
Boy#2: Brother, have you told Mom and Dad your NickName for Coach K?
Boy#1: No
Mom & Dad: What is it?
Boy#1: Coach Gay
Dad:...... (What Follows a longish lecture about talking shit about people who can kick your ass...)
Boy#1: Do we have any Iron Maiden on ITunes?
Dad: um .....
Boy#2: if my hair isn't messy, why do I have to wash and brush it?
Mom: Cause if you don't I will cut it all off

I just wanted to share a little of what you fellas might have to look forward to, Steve your son is older then mine so you probably know where I'm coming from.

Friday, October 17, 2008

A few words.....

---Joe the plumber.

What a fucking joke. Thats all Im gonna say. This "election" is outta control. Its in the bag for Obama, which I have no huge problem with, simply because I think McCain is fuckin' senile and gettin worse by the day. Staunch Repub's are walking away from John everyday now in fucking DROVES. McCain has disgraced himself, his Senate chair and the party he represents.

Do I smell a landslide?

Have a great weekend boys. Its gotten DAMN chilly here, we got our first real frost last night, wasnt too bad though, hasnt killed plants or anything yet, but I think the damn bugs bit it, WOOHOO. Only gonna be in the 60s all next week.

Pardon all my profanity, but I needed the blog to vent a tad. You guys know how hard of a Repub. I was and then we get stuck w/ a MORON like McCain to represent us in the Gen. election? Youve already heard my speech though, yeah, Im GOP at heart, but not this election year, I am walking away, Im still undecided as to whom I will vote for, but Im studying Obama really damn hard now. As I get ready to crash for the night, I just heard on TV, that the Univ. of Nebraska has cancelled a Bill Ayers speaking engagement citing it as a "safety" matter. What the hell? The guy was a Weathermen radical many, many, many years ago. Get the hell over it, hes a professor now. Im not going to say anything else on this subject out of fear of getting this little blog "flagged" by certain organizations. America is currently dead. Wake me when she wakes up, would ya? Fuck, Im mad.

Have a good weekend. Enjoy the kids Scott. Sell some bikes, lots of bikes PJB.---

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

My slice of perfection.

---Went to parent/teacher conferences tonight at Ava's school. For the first time in my life I can honestly say I know what TRUE pride feels like. Fuck Obama. Fuck McCain. I didnt care about gettin home to see them argue after hearing all the wonderful things about my little girl. We were told she is the smartest and best student in the class and is reading at a grade 2 level and is close to writing at a grade 1 level. She insists on sitting next to her teacher because she enjoys helping her out so much. We got to see and keep a bunch of the wonderful drawings she has done.

Ive fucking been to hell and back over the past few years guys. Tonight, I cried a little. Tears of pride feel awesome!---

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Kids Vote!!!

It's official. At least for the kids! The Scholastic Presidential Election Poll results are in: Democratic nominee Senator Barack Obama won with 57 percent of the vote, to 39 percent for Republican nominee Senator John McCain.
The poll was open to kids from grades 1 to 12 in Scholastic News and Junior Scholastic magazines. Almost 250,000 (a quarter of a million) kids voted by paper ballot or online at The poll closed on October 10.
Since 1940, the results of the student vote have mirrored the outcome of the general election all but twice: In 1948, kids voted for Thomas E. Dewey over Harry S. Truman. In 1960, more students voted for Richard M. Nixon than for John F. Kennedy. In 2000, a majority of student voters chose George W. Bush, mirroring the Electoral College result, but not the result of the popular vote.

Monday, October 13, 2008


---I figured Mr. Steve would like this along w/ PJB. This fucker really left me thinking. If this was pulled off by the Government, it was way beyond and way over Bush's head. He had no damn clue. Secret ops. like the CIA and divisions like that may have been involved, but this act was WAY bigger than 'ole W. That is, once again, if this short documentary is true.

It left me thinking pretty hard.---

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Deep thought AKA what happened to my party?

---Today was kid watching day for me and it wasnt so bad, I could do it at a distance. Every spare SECOND I had my mind was on fire. I was thinking about the election and how important it is and how its time for change, but then my mind began to wander off in a different direction.....

What has happened to my great and grand GOP party? It has been reduced to them name calling people "elitists" and the like. People with an education were bad, people without an education were bad. They used class and racism to bend and twist words. Now dont get me wrong, Im not perfect when it comes to those things, but at least I show change and I try, the Repubs just become worse!

This is the same party that has produced the 2 GREATEST Presidents in United States history in Abraham Lincoln and the late Ronald Reagan.

My GOP has been stolen by short talkin, quick stealin, mind numbin theives! Sarah Palin? WHAT THE FUCK??? When Sen. McCain first entered the race I was cool with him, I thought OK, John can fight, but I swear some of the shit coming out of his mouth over the past few weeks and months has been mind blowing. Im starting to wonder if he is physically ill again and they are just keeping it under wraps until the election is over so they can use that as an excuse to why he lost!

Im NOT on the Obama band wagon by any means, there are things about him that make me very uneasy, but Im not banging out this little rant to say Im all of a sudden pro Barack, I just wanna know where the hell the real GOP machine went! The one that when I was young, was fucking unstoppable. I was watching a few mins. of a couple Reagan speeches on Youtube this AM and it almost brought me to tears.

Its gone. Its racist. Its full of liars. Its full of schemers. Its full of lost causes.

Its gone. Im so very upset and saddened.

E. (GOP at heart for life, but walking away in 08).---

Friday, October 10, 2008

Have a great weekend boys---

---Hi boys, just wanted to take a minute or two to say have a nice weekend. Mine will be pretty routine, kid at the shop tomorrow, football Sunday. Gonna be a warm weekend here, close, but not quite 80 but then next week it all goes to shit with 4 days of rain forecasted. Now thats fall weather!

Well, my "issue" that I had mentioned a few blogs ago has kinda worked itself into an agreement and has mellowed out, I think I will be able to handle it when needed. It has to do w/ my ex and her alcohol problem. She needs and wants to be sober and she needs and wants my help. I will do what I can, but will NOT push myself over the edge and she understands that. I refuse to allow my daughter to see alcohol as a normal acceptable thing floating around her house all the time and she agrees. I never once got high in front of her, not once, so Im gonna help her, I just made it VERY clear that there will be days that I will have other things going or I may not be up to it because of the way I feel and because of my mental illnesses and again, she understood, so we are all good. Shes going to meetings too.

Lastly, Im NOT gonna mention who, what, when, where and especially WHY, but I am terrified to think Barack Obama may be our President elect in less than a month. Thats all Im gonna say, so dont ask why, you wont get another word about it out of me. I have my sources, I have my reasons.

OK, Im done ramblin, love ya'll, have a good weekend!---

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

What's up with Face Book?

So I have had an account on a few social networking sites for the last three or four years now, I.E. myspace, linkedin, and FaceBook mostly for the purpose of keeping in touch with and growing my business associate data base. But all the sudden with in the last three weeks or so there has been a real flood of people and chatter on Face Book, and I now find my self visiting it more in one day than I have in the last 3 years. I guess I have to concede to becoming a little hooked on this thing. Maybe I finally have gone Koo Koo for Coco Puffs... I don't know. Any one else experience this as late?

Monday, October 06, 2008

Hows it goin?

---Things here are rather calm, which is fine by me. Still cant believe its October already, can you? Before we know it, the white stuff will be floating all over the place.

I honestly only understand the basics on the economy to talk about it, so I wont bother, I just hope that if any of you guys had investments that they didnt take a hit. All Ive been hearing is that this is gonna be a long and slow road to fully recover from it.

I went to my trusty mechanic this AM to drop off my car for an oil change and holy shit, the guy folded out of nowhere, he just tanked! He was a cool guy who was honest in his work, he'd cut off a decent chunk of labor fees if he knew you didnt have it, he did that for me twice. He was just good people. I guess Ill be going to Wal-Mart for my oil changes from now on, I aint goin to those Jiffy Lube kinda places where they charge ya 35-40 bucks for an oil change, thats robbery.

We have rain moving in tonight and tomorrow, only gonna be 65 tomorrow, but back to 70 by Weds.

I have been confronted with a rather serious problem and Im not sure what to do. I KNOW what I have to do, but can I handle it? This problem isnt/hasnt become dangerous or anything yet and its not about me, Im fine. Im just not sure what to do.

Details will follow when I can be more open about it once my mind set is more clear.---

Thursday, October 02, 2008


---A belated birthday gift if you will, from the magic of the WWW.....and NO its not porn.

Kick back and enjoy it for 3 minutes, it'll take ya back to the real old school days of you, me, and Bob skating.---

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

random thoughts

Few men have virtue to withstand the highest bidder
George Washington

one of the real troubles with our system of government.