Saturday, October 25, 2008


.....Adolf Hitler took a cyanide capsule and stuck it up his pooper. Then he put a gun to his head and blew his head off. For those of you that believe in White Supremacy, follow your leader!
---M. Ness

---Im still getting email from all my old Repub. friends I used to chat with on the interwebs up until about a month and a half ago. Thats when it all started. The questions, the second guessing...all of it. It was then that I realized that the GOP had not only betrayed me, but betrayed itself by choosing a leader like McCain and that fucking psycho whore Palin. I started to look deep down inside myself, to who I truly was, to you guys, to people I really loved and who loved me. I knew Id piss off some, but such is life. Just think about how many Barack Obama is pissing off right now, hah. I cant wait to vote, I am so excited this time around. My email inbox has been flooded w/ Repub. propaganda and it feels so good to not even bother with reading it and sending it straight to the trash folder.

The man of the hour has taken on incredible odds. He has done what no man has done before. He has climbed and conquered a MAMMOTH mountain of obstacles to get to where he is. I am proud to know he is a fellow Chicagoian and I am PROUD to know he will be my next President. The GOP has destructed and fallen to pieces. No more same ole bullshit year after year, its time for something new.

If you dont like it, shut your damn mouth and get the hell out of the way!---


dad-e~O said...

dude, when you convert, you don't mess around!

Sickboy said...

Im just so excited to have political HOPE in my life again. Im happy Ive been able to look past the hatred and b.s. the GOP has been spewing out for so long. But most of all, Im so damn happy that my Ava will be brought forth into a new generation of politics where hatred isnt allowed and where color barriers dont matter.

Mark M said...

Peter echoed my thoughts precisely. Eric... It's nice to see that you are thinking critically about the policies and the politics of the Republican Party -- asking whether they really represent your views. We should hold both our major parties up to that kind of scrutiny and be ready to call them out on B.S.