Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Let it be...


This video gave me goosebumps. Fuck McCain. Fuck Palin. Fuck the establishment.

Obama is getting ready to make history and he deserves the respect due. It took me a while, but my eyes have been opened now. On Nov. 4th Senator Obama will shine as a new era of US politics is lifted in.

Its time for a change.

Fuck the system.


dad-e~O said...

Thanks E,
That gave be goosebumps to.
and brought tears to my eyes.
I am excedingly happy to hear/see/read that you are seeing where I have been coming from.
Is Obama Perfect?
Is fit to be the leader of the free world?
probably not.
but a pretty fucking important question is this: Does he offer America hope?
Hope on a regional scale
Hope on a National Scale
Hope on a Global Scale.

The same can not be said for Palin/McCain. They offer more of the same crap that has been force fed to us for the last several years. Hate / Racism / Imperialism.

Our country needs more then anything, a little Hope.

Sickboy said...

Im glad you got to see that PJB, those people (if you can call them that) at the beginning of that video just help remind me of what I DONT want my daughter growing up around or seeing, ya know?

Yeah, its a pretty emotional video.

Obama may not be the total answer, but he is a big answer right now.

Seeing a video like that makes me wanna go back to my roots in being anti establishment, but I dont wanna teach the kid that either.

All the lies and bullshit that McCain and Palin have fed us over the past several months will eventually come pouring out.

They are done.

That fucked up old man could drop dead tomorrow and I wouldnt shed a tear cuz you DAMN WELL know he'd do cart wheels if something happened to Barack.

Fuck him and his bitch Palin.

Man, sorry, I am just so mad at them and at myself for being deceived for so long

GO OBAMA!!!!!!!

dad-e~O said...

Teaching your daughter to be Logical (which is often anti-establishment) will give her better tools to deal with the future of our country then just about anything you can teach her. Except maybe how to handle a firearm...
I have often told my boys (when they are not getting their way), that my goal in parenting is not to raise happy children, but to raise responsible adults. hopefully the two goals can meet from time to time and I can avoid getting smothered in my sleep by my own offspring.
That's not to say I bring my kids to the range for target practice, but you probably get my point.

dad-e~O said...

That being said.
I am glad to see you have left the ranks of the Sheeple who are following Palin/McCain into the abyss of our future.

Sickboy said...

I take such strong words coming from you as a HUGE compliment. Ive always looked up to you and yes buddy, I got what youre sayin!

Ive noticed more and more now, you dont see McCain and that thing called his VP candidate with children very much, but Ive seen TONS of pics of Sen. Obama with all kinds of kids from ALL walks of life. Its like the Repubs dont give a damn, ya know? As long as they have that machine rolling on tearing away at everyone and everything, they dont care.

I give McCain a tip of my hat for his Military service and for being a bad ass through out all of that, but even now, Im hearing things that dont add up there. Palin? C'mon, she doesnt know a damn thing about Govt. on a national scale. She scares the shit out of me. To think if something happened to McCain, she'd have all the nuclear codes to all our missiles!

Can you say YIKES!?!?!?!?!?!

steve butt said...

I'm with dad-e~o on this one. welcome back from the depths of the sheeple. I agree that Obama is not perfect, but he resembles a decent human being. He also speaks and presents himself well. I don't want to think that I'm smarter than my president.

steve butt said...

p.s. eric i will continue to monitor and add to the conspiracy post comments if you wish.

dad-e~O said...

Heres a conspiracy theory.
If we don't hurry up and get out of this war, they are going to have to reinstate the draft, and our kids are going to end up in Desert Camo

Sickboy said...

Thank you Steve.


Fuck that noise, Id be havin my ass on its way to Canada w/ my Ava in tow as quick as possible.

Weve lost enough of our men and women over this bullshit war, enough is enough.

Did you hear about all that $$$ that was tossed Palin's way for new threads? Shit, that bitch will need a hell of a lot more than a new suit to get anything real done in DC.