Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Terry Tate

---You may remember Terry Tate from some gym shoe ads from several years ago. Just watch the whole clip from start to finish. Trust me.

You mostly all know that my Mom is a devout born again Christian. I have so much respect for her cuz of that youll never know. Right now, my home stands firmly divided due to the upcoming election. Its pretty intense. If the flack I am catching is just a drop of what Obama has caught to get where he is today, then Im not worthy.

Hope or Hate? YOU decide. On Nov. 4th, I will decide.

For MLK, hope

For Bobby Kennedy, hope

For JFK, hope

For Malcolm X, hope

For COUNTLESS others who have come and gone, I choose hope, especially for the apple of my eye.



dad-e~O said...

um, for what it's worth, Obama is also a devout Christian.
Civil liberties and Christianity are not mutually exclusive concepts.

dad-e~O said...

I saw this terry tate thing on another blog, it's pretty funny.

Sickboy said...

Yeah, I know what youre saying PJB, but its hard to explain.

That Terry Tate thing killed me the 1st time I saw it.

Scott said...

Oh Geez, how I don't like to break my code of silence on politics, but this clip was hilarious. Thanks for sharing

Sickboy said...

youre welcome Scott!