Saturday, October 11, 2008

Deep thought AKA what happened to my party?

---Today was kid watching day for me and it wasnt so bad, I could do it at a distance. Every spare SECOND I had my mind was on fire. I was thinking about the election and how important it is and how its time for change, but then my mind began to wander off in a different direction.....

What has happened to my great and grand GOP party? It has been reduced to them name calling people "elitists" and the like. People with an education were bad, people without an education were bad. They used class and racism to bend and twist words. Now dont get me wrong, Im not perfect when it comes to those things, but at least I show change and I try, the Repubs just become worse!

This is the same party that has produced the 2 GREATEST Presidents in United States history in Abraham Lincoln and the late Ronald Reagan.

My GOP has been stolen by short talkin, quick stealin, mind numbin theives! Sarah Palin? WHAT THE FUCK??? When Sen. McCain first entered the race I was cool with him, I thought OK, John can fight, but I swear some of the shit coming out of his mouth over the past few weeks and months has been mind blowing. Im starting to wonder if he is physically ill again and they are just keeping it under wraps until the election is over so they can use that as an excuse to why he lost!

Im NOT on the Obama band wagon by any means, there are things about him that make me very uneasy, but Im not banging out this little rant to say Im all of a sudden pro Barack, I just wanna know where the hell the real GOP machine went! The one that when I was young, was fucking unstoppable. I was watching a few mins. of a couple Reagan speeches on Youtube this AM and it almost brought me to tears.

Its gone. Its racist. Its full of liars. Its full of schemers. Its full of lost causes.

Its gone. Im so very upset and saddened.

E. (GOP at heart for life, but walking away in 08).---


dad-e~O said...

what happened?
heres my theory.
Round about 15 years or so ago. A democratic president was stupid enough to get caught with his cock in a young lady's mouth, the young lady in question was not his wife, in fact she was around the same age as his daughter. This really made a lot of people mad (myself included) and it created quite a fury. Some enterprising repuglicans had a big ole' light bulb moment. They realized they could convince many of us that hold a high moral standard to equate Politics and Social policy with personal and sexual issues.
they said, The Middle class is absolutely horrified that this guy did this. lets turn this into an "Issue". They said "The middle class cares more about this then they do about us moving jobs over seas, about the energy crises, about affordable housing, about health care, about education."
They convinced us all that a party that would do such an awfull thing, like have sex with a girl in the Oval office would certainly fuck us too.
This Moral Policy Leadership has progressed to a point that people actually are convinced that since Barrack Hussein Obama. Has Muslim roots, he must be a terrorist.

dad-e~O said...

That's my theory.

Sickboy said...

Wow, PJB, that was some good, honest reading and you brought it into a whole new light I never thought of! Yeah, still hatin those fucking Clintons.

Yeah this whole "Muslim" tie w/ Obama needs to friggin stop. If I can get over it, any good American can.

I will give W. the credit where it is due, he has kept us terror attack free since 9/11, thank you W.

Its like McCain has become fucking senile or something, half the time he talks he doesnt make sense. And his dumb ass wife Cindy said that John was "Trained by the US Military to never have PTSD" after being a POW for 5, what? So the guy has not been allowed to deal with the horrific emotions that must have went with being a POW? The fuck is that?????

Palin. Good Lord help us. Just to think, if McCain got into the Oval Office position and then he passes on...holy shit, she would be our Pres! Um, that scares the fuck outta me, because she would have the nuclear codes and shit like that. She can see Russia from her house though, you betcha!!! Damn bitch.

dad-e~O said...

that just it, E, hating the clintons is exactly the problem. Hate them if you take issue with their policies. but not their lifestyle. I am certainly no fan of Hillary moving to New York in order to get herself into Sentate, then quickly running for Pres. Their defination of marriage isn't the same as mine. but so what? do their policies align with mine.
Education, health care, energy, manufacuring / trade policies. Forign Policy.

dad-e~O said...

we have passed the age of speaking softly and carrying a big stick. we have to face the fact that we are no longer THE super power.

Sickboy said...

I would say their policies do not run the same lane mine do as of now. Im glad you brought up the quick move to get Hillary a seat in the Senate, I just think of that as sneaky politics and on both side of the ball, Im sick and tired of that stuff.

I just miss the real GOP, but it aint around right now and hasnt been for a while.

dad-e~O said...

And that's fine. don't agree with the policies, that is our privilage as Americans.

dad-e~O said...

just don't vote for a party because of what it was, find a party that has an american vision that coincides with yours.
you say the GOP isn't it. alright, one of these parties should have some platform issues that speak to you.

Sickboy said...

yeah, Im thinking brother. Ive been studying some really hard lately. It'll come down to a election day eve decision for me, I can already tell.