Wednesday, August 19, 2009

random thoughts

life is only understood backward, but it must be lived forward. -kirkigaerd.

luminous beings are we, not this crude flesh. -yoda

if you strike me down, i'll become more powerful than you can possible imagine. -obi wan

i'll miss him terribly. -steve

Friday, August 07, 2009



For what its worth, Im terribly sorry to learn of your loss.

God Bless.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Far Behind.

---Due to a recent and somewhat upsetting fallout I had w/ another one of our members I have decided to drop out and away from OMI for what its worth. This blog has nearly become a ghost town and that has saddened me also.

I am holding NO animosity toward most OMI members, but like mentioned, due to things going South between me and another Offmen, I feel alone. I would never put you guys on the back burner of my life, regardless how busy I am, because it could all be over within a second. But some things were said to me as of late by an OMI member that just doesnt make sense to me. They left me frustrated, angry and guessing...I also dont believe that its OK to stop discussing life with a long time friend, even if you have lost some common ground because your lives have gone in opposite directions. Thats a load of crap, one of the bigger craptastic lines Ive heard in a while. Id never walk away from one of you if life took us in different directions. Heck, look how it has already and I still consider you guys dear friends even though we may not line up politically, musically and/or socially. True brotherhood goes beyond that stuff.

I know who my real friends are now and yes, that does include a few of you guys for what its worth. Besides that, ya gotta treat a bitch like a bitch and just leave 'em far behind.

Adios Amigos!---

With friends like you, who needs enemies?
you ain't right, you ain't never gonna be,
you're out of the car, I'm afraid you've been declined.
you shake my hand, while you're pissing on my leg
I'm cuttin you loose, I don't need this misery
your soul is toxic, you ain't no friend of mine.

You talk real trash when i'm not around
to build yourself up, you gotta to tear me down.
you'll have to excuse me, i've got better things to do.
you smile through your teeth, you talk out your neck
every chance you get you're gonna stab my back.
your time's run out, i've got nothing left for you..

I'm leaving you far behind.
I'm leaving you far behind.
Stop wasting all of my time.
I'm leaving you far behind.

So I'm pulling out the weeds, i'm taking stock
you can talk the talk, but cant walk the walk
Your narcissistic ways have gotten the best of you.
So I'm leaving you to sink, in all your glory
For you and me it's the end of the story.
Get out of my way, I've got better things to do.

Friday, June 12, 2009

random thoughts


By Charlie Reese

Politicians are the only people in the world who create problems and then campaign against them.

Have you ever wondered why, if both the Democrats and the Republicans are against deficits, WHY do we have deficits?

Have you ever wondered why, if all the politicians are against inflation and high taxes, WHY do we have inflation and high taxes?

You and I don't propose a federal budget. The president does (although it's not his Constitutionally granted authority).

You and I don't have the Constitutional authority to vote on appropriations. The House of Representatives does.

You and I don't write the tax code, Congress does.

You and I don't set fiscal policy, Congress does.

You and I don't control monetary policy, the Federal Reserve Bank does.

One hundred senators, 435 congressmen, one president, and nine Supreme Court justices 545 human beings out of the 300 million are directly, legally, ethically and individually responsible for the domestic problems that plague this country.

I excluded the members of the Federal Reserve Board because that problem was created by the Congress. In 1913, Congress delegated its Constitutional Duty to provide a sound currency to a federally chartered, but private, central bank.

I excluded all the special interests and lobbyists for a sound reason. They have no legal authority. They have no ability to coerce a senator, a congressman, or a president to do one cotton-picking thing. I don't care if they offer a politician $1 million dollars in cash. The politician has the power to accept or reject it. No matter what the lobbyist promises, it is the legislator's responsibility to determine how he votes.

Those 545 human beings spend much of their energy convincing you that what they did is not their fault. They cooperate in this common con regardless of party.

What separates a politician from a normal human being is an excessive amount of gall. No normal human being would have the gall of a Speaker, who stood up and criticized the President for creating deficits. The president can only propose a budget. He cannot force the Congress to accept it.

The Constitution, which is the supreme law of the land, gives sole responsibility to the House of Representatives for originating and approving appropriations and taxes. Who is the speaker of the House? She is the leader of the majority party. She and fellow House members, not the president, can approve any budget they want. If the president vetoes it, they can pass it over his veto if they agree to.

It seems inconceivable to me that a nation of 300 million can not replace 545 people who stand convicted -- by present facts -- of incompetence and irresponsibility. I can't think of a single domestic problem that is not traceable directly to those 545 people. When you fully grasp the plain truth that 545 people exercise the power of the federal government, then it must follow that what exists is what they want to exist.

If the tax code is unfair, it's because they want it unfair.

If the budget is in the red, it's because they want it in the red.

If the Army & Marines are in IRAQ , it's because they want them in IRAQ.

If they do not receive social security but are on an elite retirement plan not available to the people, it's because they want it that way. There are no insoluble government problems.

Do not let these 545 people shift the blame to bureaucrats, whom they hire and whose jobs they can abolish; to lobbyists, whose gifts and advice they can reject; to regulators, to whom they give the power to regulate and from whom they can take this power. Above all, do not let them con you into the belief that there exists disembodied mystical forces like 'the economy,' 'inflation,' or 'politics' that prevent them from doing what they take an oath to do.

Those 545 people, and they alone, are responsible.

They, and they alone, have the power.

They, and they alone, should be held accountable by the people who are their bosses provided the voters have the gumption to manage their own employees.

We should vote all of them out of office and clean up their mess!

Charlie Reese is a former columnist of the Orlando Sentinel Newspaper .What you do with this article now that you have read it is up to you, though you appear to have several choices.

i found this on Jim Marrs' website

Thursday, June 04, 2009

random thoughts

Spoon boy: Do not try and bend the spoon. That's impossible. Instead... only try to realize the truth.
Neo: What truth?
Spoon boy: There is no spoon.
Neo: There is no spoon?
Spoon boy: Then you'll see, that it is not the spoon that bends, it is only yourself.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

---I see that our blog has dwindled again which more or less stinks. Theres so much we could be chatting about yet at the same time, there is nothing to say. Life goes on. Have a good 3 day weekend boys. Miss ya.---

Sunday, May 17, 2009

And so it goes.....

Now I know Im no A+ kind of guy, but I just realized after looking through some photos that I have pretty much remained who I wanted to be and didnt totally get sucked into the bullshit that mostly comes with losing your identity and being an adult who feels they have to destroy their individuality to succeed. But, Im still a diamond in the rough, almost constantly being chipped at, buffed and ready to face The World one day wiser than the last.

I dont win that battle in a lot of cases, but I do like the feelings along the way.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

This is exactly what I meant and it wasnt meant to come off as an attack on you guys, but here we are and its been a week w/ nothing on the blog. Im busy too, so Im honestly had it with the "Im too busy" excuse, we are all busy. I did a million and one things this past week.

It seems as if we communicate more often and a lot better on Facebook.

The best thing this blog has ever seen was Scott's "28 days" picture project. That was awesome. I wont post screaming political stuff to the blog anymore, I can reach more people with that on Facebook anyways, so you guys dont have to worry about that.

Where the hell did all the Offmen go? M. Martin used to post on a somewhat regular basis. Maslov? Where has he gone to? Its been eons since either of them have shown up on here and it kinda sucks.

Ah well, this blog was great while it lasted.....

Also, all the OMI Moms? I hope you all have a great Mother's Day!!!

Friday, May 01, 2009

Alone and Forsaken.

---After careful consideration, I have decided that I am voluntarily stepping away as this blogs' "unofficial keeper". I try whenever possible to keep this blog alive by posting this and that and it drums up no discussion, so I will no longer be doing so. If someone else wants to step up to try and keep this thing alive, go nuts, but it will no longer be me. I know 99% of you dont agree w/ my political affiliations, but isnt that what makes this nation great? People can get down and dirty with their politics and have at one another and in the end still walk away as friends. I guess that doesnt apply here anymore either.

To me, it feels like OMI has become an elitist organization and I have become the mascot who gets poked fun of when his back is turned. I AM NOT SAYING I FEEL THIS WAY BY EVERYONE, but I am saying I feel it. For those of you that know and care, I am mentally ill. It consumes a decent amount of my minds work and a decent amount of my self worth. Im not looking for sympathy, Im just letting you know I dont run the average 24/7 show here. Im blessed to have a Mother that understands me, an ex wife who is my best friend and a beautiful daughter who understands that her Daddy has a rough time some days, but she'll still run up to me, knock me a kiss and make it all better.

Anyways, Im pretty convinced you guys dont wanna hear about my b.s. anymore, so I just wanted to pass on the word to you other guys that Im no longer gonna be the one who tries to keep this blog alive just because you may feel I have the time as compared to your busy lives that you lead. I know you guys are indeed busy, I believe you and I get that. Hell, I admire some of you for that. But w/ all the appointments and crazy stuff I have going on here I always went out of my way to post to the blog. If you didnt like my politics, Im sorry, but it doesnt make me a bad person, Im just different. If you didnt wanna hear about how happy my Ava makes me, sorry, but shes my daughter and I love her and really enjoy talking about her. If you disagreed over the fact that I will never let a profession dictate how I look or feel, then you should have said something, but thats who I am now. Lifes too short to be a fucking sell out. Thats one of the main reasons that Ive gotten so many tattoos over the years. I enjoy them and they also separate me from people that feel that they have to sell themselves out to make it in life. Thats one of the biggies for me, I started getting inked because I hated everything else.

I thought that this blog was for all of us to post our victories in life, not something Id have to kick and punch and scream at to keep alive.

---Sorry my friends---

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Someone has a birthday today......

---Happy Birthday Scott. I know at times we argue and Im sure we will again sometime, but you are one of like maybe 4 or 5 others that I refer to as a brother.

Youll always be a brother to ne. Have a great B-day!!!!---

Thursday, April 23, 2009

This is total bad ass!

---If you dont agree, go change your panties, little girl.---

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Tea Parties

---I just wanna briefly share with all of you that the tea party protests yesterday were spectacular! I was at the one here in Des Moines and it went over really well.

I will say no more except that it has just begun. Sleep w/ one eye open Washington, you are on the clock and are being watched by countless Americans both from the right and left that are sick and friggin tired of big spending and out of control power moves. Revolution may be brewing a lot sooner than you think. And if this makes me an "extremist" and my heart felt opinions make me look like a "nut" in the Govt. eyes and The Dept. of Homeland Security watchful eyes I say this this....

Fuck you Washington and fuck you DHS! We will not go quietly just because of your scare tactics, this is, after all, still America bitches!---

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

And then there were 3....

---Me thinks this blog is dying. Nobody even comes here anymore except for me, Scott and PJB.

What the hell happened to everyone else? Any ideas?---

Thursday, April 02, 2009

Walking at 10 mos. and more blah de blah.

---Scott, the footage of little M. walking was truly a sight that gave me goosebumps, I can remember those days. As Im sure ya know, it gets real interesting from here, especially w/ a lil girl, before we both know it they will be asking to use the car on Friday nights when we are both old and all gray.

Got the ex totally moved into her new pad this past week and its nice. Since it has still been damn chilly here at night, she has been able to enjoy her fireplace a couple times too. Well heck, we are due to get 3-4 inches of FUCKING SNOW on Sunday! What the hell, for a while there, it seemed as if Spring had sprung. All the flowers in our backyard are popped up and are growing at a rapid rate right now, but I dont think the snow should hurt them. The same thing happened last year to them and they turned out fine. Any of you guys got Summer garden plans? My ex even has a small pond in her backyard but I gotta drain it as best I can and then get in there and scoop out all the mushy leaves and other shit from last fall. Once we get that going, we are gonna buy a couple useless goldfish to put in there. No guarantee that they will make it but its for Ava, she'll get a charge outta it.

Its great to see most of you homeboys on Facebook now, undoubtedly the greatest time waster the interwebs has ever had! I had a "falling out" w/ a couple old friends on there and was gonna leave FB because of them, but then I thought, screw that, Im not gonna roll over and die for anyone, FB is big enough for all of us, so I just blocked them instead. It was a sad suprize, I was pretty close to these two characters at one point in my life, but oh well, no big loss. I didnt see them for 15 years until I got sucked into FB, so another 15 aint gonna mean much.

Scotto, Im glad Steve is in town, give him my best. If you would, please have P take a few good pics of you and him to put up on this blog.

The weekend is about here, another awesome round w/ Ava is at hand!!! Get back to me soldiers, I look forward to hearing from you!!!---

Sunday, March 29, 2009

fit to be tied.

---So, I became a Facebook junkie. What? Me addicted to something? Never I tell you! Heh. I will be leaving Facebook this week sometime, once I nail a few more people down and get their email addys.

To make a long and drawn out and dramatic story short, I had gotten in touch w/ an old HS friend that I had dated way back when, prolly around 20 years ago now, I was maybe 16 at best. Well, her hubby noticed that her and I talked a lot and he got all pissy, so I manned up and told this person that Ill walk away from Facebook then, no biggie. Thats what Im doing.

Its funny though. Her effin husband had the nerve to get on her back because we messaged each other maybe once or twice a day while when he has time off from work he talks to a bunch of girls on Facebook that his wife doesnt know.

Sounds like a double standard and hubby is a real bitch!!!

Anywhat, Ill be gone from FB within the next week. Just wanted to give OMI members that use it a heads up.---

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Alone and forsaken.

---OK, so as most of you brothers know by now, my Step Dad (Dennis) passed in Nov. of 07, about 3 weeks before Turkey Day. It was a pretty rough blow to me, rather hard to deal with and even up to today, I can still struggle with it, I think of him often and he should know, even though I fuck up in a lot of ways, that I miss him terribly.

Well time has gone on and Ive learned to deal w/ it in my own ways. Some are not so good and healthy. I was just talking about this to my therapist this AM. To make a super long and drawn out story short, my Mom has kinda, sorta showed a tiny bit of interest in the Youth Pastor at her church. Several people are aware of it. No one has made a move yet, nor am I saying one will be made at all. The youth pastor is a good man. Hes caring, funny and has a good heart.

I have pissed on my territory already and have put up walls. I agree w/ the fact that you cant put a time limit on how long someone should or shouldnt wait before getting back out there again after your spouse passes away. My Mom is an honorable woman. Shes attractive, smart and very caring.

I just have a very very hard time seeing her with anyone new. It makes me nervous, mad, upset and on edge. I cant expect for her to put her life on hold if she feels its time to "get back out there" or whatever, but it would be very hard for me. Den was here, as my Father during the real hard, shit years of my life with all the drugs, the lies and all that. I dont think I could take another order from a male in that position without laughing in his face.

My therapist and I talked about this this AM while in session and she understood my uneasiness.

My Mom and I are in a unique living situation because I am disabled and cant live on my own. My Mom has said that if they ever started to "date", that certain things would have to be addressed first in order to see where things are gonna go.

Ugh, shit. Ill keep you guys posted.---

Monday, March 23, 2009

Spring is here!!!

---So yeah, Spring is here and all that. Ive been helping the ex move more and more, its all coming together and looks great. Ava's bedroom is gonna be all done up in dinosaurs just like she wants.

A lot of the old timers from my old high school got together this weekend thanks to FB. The pictures were great to see and thanks to FB I am now in touch with most of them again.

So, whats everyones week looking like? PJB, youve been MIA for a while, whats the haps?---

Friday, March 20, 2009

Feelings, nothing more than feelings...

---Well, my brothers, I come before you as a very humble man. My ex closed on and started moving into her new home. We got a decent amount of the boxes there and the actual movers (for furniture) come next Wednesday.

I am very happy that my daughter will grow up in a great and cozy little bungalow. Im happy the ex got it too. But deep inside I hurt, because that could have been our first home as a family if I wouldnt have fucked things up so much.

Helping her move some boxes today was truly bittersweet.---

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Vroom vroom...

---My ex Father in laws totally rebuilt '50 Ford. This car was a MONSTER. He sold it and bought a Henry J and had that rebuilt from the ground up. He passed on a little over a year ago. Now my ex has the honor of carrying the torch and owning the Henry J which she hopes to take to a few car shows this summer. He was a pretty cool guy and damn did he know his cars!!!---

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

dancing with the stars

---OK, I just talked to the ex a little while ago and she told me that a pair of the dancers danced to a song by The Clash.


Can anything remain untouched?

Im sorry Mr. Joe Strummer, I know youre spinning in your grave. Us old timers out here that give a shit can only do so much.---

Monday, March 16, 2009

Just stuff...

---Spring looks as if it is beginning to show its face around here. It was 72 today and I did some yard work and noticed tiny little buds coming out of the ground. Its supposed to be 70 tomorrow and in the lower 60s the rest of the week.

Things here are pretty quiet otherwise. Scott, Im glad I got to share some pretty in depth stuff with you about me and my life and PJB, drop me a line, lemme know when its best to email you and when you'll have time to sit down and read it and I will fill you in just the same. I just cant make my problem public by pasting it up here, its pretty personal stuff and I wanted you two guys to know to help understand me better.

The ex closes on her house on Friday which is kinda exciting news for her and Ava.

I just started to understand FB and all it had to offer and then they went and re-formatted it. Nice goin Facebook peeps.

Ill talk to you soon---

Thursday, March 12, 2009

OK, this isnt gonna be easy for me

---but since I love you guys, I will fill you in as to why I am far from grown up, why I fuck up bad at times and why I look up to people like Mike Ness as my heroes. This DOES NOT go beyond this blog brothers and if anyone is reading this that is not worthy of being called an OMI brother, well, you can read, but you can also go to hell, this isnt on your dance card.

When I was young (between the ages of 5-9 and 10ish) I was severely sexually abused by my Father and his whore of a girlfriend at the time. I go to therapy for this at least once a week, sometimes twice. I just got back from a session this AM. None of you can relate to the pain and anger I deal with on a daily basis, dont say you can,please, because you cant and if you say you can, I will laugh at you. Life, for me, at times IS hell. I am in no way gonna get into details here nor am I gonna give my diagnosis here on a blog. If you are curious enough, or care enough to know, drop me an email and I will openly tell you, in all honesty what I have been suffering from since I was young and how it all makes sense now. I will openly share my diagnosis with you there, but not on here, cool guys?

Yesterday, I once again fell short and did things I shouldnt have. Its hard for me to explain how or why it happened without you 1st knowing what my diagnosis consists from. If you are reading this Jen, you know exactly what point Im trying to get across, cuz you know all of me nowadays.

The bottom line is this...I am severely mentally ill to the point where on some days I cannot function as a normal person in society. If you want to know more, email me @ my hotmail address or my Gmail address and I shall check both over the next few days to see if you guys show up there. From there, I will fill you in on who I have become over the years........I would love to think I will not be judged for it. If I am, it will be the last time we shall ever speak, its that simple, it means that much to me. I have to protect myself.

Do, or do not email me, its up to you. All will be told in private so you can understand me better. If you choose to not email me, I aint gonna hold it against you, but you will just have to go through life trying to figure out why Im so fucked up in the dark.

I love you guys-----

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Hi brothers, guess what? Im a fuck up.

I'm on the 714, cause I got a brand new jar,
Lemons put some light in my life, keep me happy through the night

I'm a lude boy, I don't care if I ever get home.

Getting ready to jump on the train, give me more to rack my brain.
Sudden alteration in my point of view, tables turn when I got the ludes.

I'm a lude boy, I don't care if I ever get home.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Its Tuesday, right?

---So, hows life treating you guys? Mines alright right now, just struggling with trying to keep clean to be honest with you all. I dunno why, But I am. Im using Ava as a constant reminder of what needs to be done right so I dont fuck up. Some people in life base success off of bullshit objects like money, or the status quo, I myself base it off of staying clean because I dont wanna fail anymore.

Its day 4 of rain and gloom and doom here. Its not cold YET. This afternoon a cold front is gonna usher its way in and bring with it winds that could be ripping up to 50 MPH and the low tonight is zero! Yeah, spring aint here by a long shot yet. Fucking zero...damnit!!!!

I hope you guys are all doing well. We should try to keep in touch on Facebook too, just keep the personal shit off there, cuz Im pretty sure we all pop on there at least once a day and its super easy to click on a brothers name to just say "Hey, Im good, hows things?"

Im gonna go OD on coffee, Ill catch ya later---

Monday, March 09, 2009

Oh so true...

---"Life goes by so fast, you only wanna do what you think is right. Close your eyes and it's passed, story of my life"......---

Sunday, March 08, 2009


---Fucking rain.---

Friday, March 06, 2009

Shout out time.

---I wanna send a special BIRTHDAY shout out to Mr. Martin for his upcoming birthday tomorrow. I hope you get all the hook ups homeboy.

Love ya and miss ya man.---

Nothing special

--- Dont forget we spring our clocks forward an hour this weekend kids! Eh, what the hell, no big deal, we only lose an hour of sleep, damn farmers!

Day two of nice weather is here for the day but it all goes to shit tomorrow with rain and much cooler temps. Of course, the day when you want it to be nice, its not.

The Facebook addiction is beginning to wear off. Besides you guys, Im only sticking close to a handful of people on there and following their daily lives and posts.

I have therapy this AM and Im not in the mood to go, I dont wanna talk about my problems this week. Shit, ya want problems lady? Ill give ya damn problems, hah.

Ava is good, just growing like a weed. The ex takes possession of her new house on the 20th and she has yet a lot of packing to do. Im gonna get pulled into it, but its gonna come with a price tag this time. Charity is over, heh, kiddin! Im really excited to have her move though, Ava is gonna love it and thats all that matters to me. Im glad she has a screened in front porch, there will be some late nights shootin the breeze out there. Its all gonna be good. Im excited for them. She just started yet another venture in her life (like she really needs that) which is making vintage inspired hats out of left over pieces of vintage clothes that were too damaged to sell and other vintage items like feathers, nets and so on...shes a purist, she would never destroy a piece of vintage clothing to turn it into something else so she has scraps and tons of them. Shes made 3 hats so far and they are outrageous and kick ass. check it out.

The girl has serious talent.

have a good one boys, love yas---

Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Spring forward

---So this weekend, we have to move our stupid clocks because of the stupid farmers up one hour, which means we lose an hours' sleep. It seems like it comes early this year doesnt it?

So, when do you guys think we will actually start to see Spring like temps. move into the region? Late this month or early April? Right now, its only 26 here, but its also only 835 in the AM. The high today is supposed to be 49.

Ive also noticed through certain friends from life (no, not you guys, I know you all too well) that while they are on FB they put their best foot forward and act as if married life ends with ice cream and puppy dogs and everything happily ever after which is a load of shit. NOTHING ever ends like that. I just found it interesting that people have to be perceived as winners, even on the damn interwebs.

Whew, Im fired up today, the World had best look out.

I love you guys though, Ive always found this blog a shelter from life's storms and I totally feel safe here being myself because I know I have been appreciated by you guys through the years. Thank you, really.---

Monday, March 02, 2009

Insanity rant...

---Good gosh gentlemen, Facebook has me sooooooooo addicted. I have found so many lost friends from HS and Grammar school, its amazing. Im so happy to be in touch w/ them again. With some of them, weve picked up from where we left off.

PJB, remember a certain red head I dated and you lusted after? Her and I have been talking a lot and its so cool!

But the main reason this rant must have some sanity in it is because just the other day Scott said now that I had signed up for Facebook not to forget about this blog.

It WILL NOT happen, no way. I may have met some old friends on FB, but you guys are my brothers, so there is no shot in hell Ill walk away from this great place of ours, rest assured.

Cool? I care too much about you guys to do that.---

Saturday, February 28, 2009

The end of the more mention!

---With the end of February being today I just wanted to say one more time how Scott's month long photo adventure and inspiration has, in my opinion, made this month the best month this blog has yet to ever see.

Thank you Scott for letting us inside your head and your life to see such killer forms of self expression. You get the award (hands down) for being the most creative Offmen to date ever on this blog.

You have inspired me to do something of the same coming up later on in the summer months, something that I would have never thought of without your pictures from February. Thanks bro.---

Friday, February 27, 2009

coming soon to the chicagoland area

it is now official. I am visiting my dad in Lake in the Hills from April 2 to April 7, 2009. If anything can be arranged I wouldn't mind a social evening.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Just saying stuff...

---Hello boys, I havent actually wasted any of your time by blogging here in quite a while, so I figured what the heck. Scott, your pics are still rockin and its nice to have ya back PJB. It was also nice to see Steve and even Franko drop in for a line or three.

Nothing spectacular goes on here. Today its gonna be sunny w/ a high of 55. BUT, we has a sayin here in good ole Iowa, "If you dont like the weather just wait 5 mins. and it'll change". Tomorrow we go back to craptastic weather w/ rain, possibly freezing rain, then possibly a few inches of snow. Spring very well may be on the doorstep now, but old man winter aint gonna give in without a fight, he never does.

Ive just been up to the usual as of late, hanging w/ Ava and the ex. Helping her through a rough spot too. She got rejected for her first shot at her home loan from one lender, so shes gonna go directly through her bank now which had her preapproved to begin with so I dunno why she just didnt do that in the 1st place.

The winter (or my medication topped w/ my laziness) has caused me to put some pounds back on. Im back up to around 175-178ish. Doesnt make me super happy but as soon as the weather breaks, outdoor activities, including nightly walks around the area after dinner will be a must for me. And yes dangit, Im still a wuss and havent given up the smoking thing yet either, I just get soo freaked out when I think about no longer having that psychological crutch in my life. I mean I base it around so much. Getting nervous, I smoke. After a meal, I smoke. First thing in the AM and last thing of the day, yet again, yes, I smoke. Smoke, smoke, smoke.

Well, boys its nice to blog again, hope to get some replies soon, love yas.---

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

"Trade Show"

My trip to "Frost Bike" or
What I did on winter break,
by dad-e-O
Frostbike is a largish tradeshow, hosted by QBP, which is the largest distributer of most things bike in the industry. We were invited to attend by our sales rep, they picked up a bunch of the meals, and the room, as well as transportation. In addition to the actual show, there were a mess of meetings that we attended in order to learn more about the biz, processes, procedures, hints for success. That sort of thing.

Thursday AM we dropped Max off at school, took care of a few last minute errands, including picking up the camera (which we didn't use) and hit the road. We had already arranged to have one of the girls Tif works with to stay with the boys (and girls). Made arrangements for increased security at the shop, blah, blah.

Trip Highlights that you may find less then boring:
-Upon Check in, I was told that I was going to have a room mate, but it worked out, cause it was Tif.
-The room was nice, but with double beds, not being 22 anylonger, we pretty much slept like Fred and Wilma, in seperate beds.
-We had dinner at this cool place called the depot, which is a converted train station, the main room of which is an ice-rink, that they put flooring over in order to seat people, the dinner was lovely, but the entertainment was REALLY boring, I nodded off.
-We took a tour of the facility, it was fuckin huge, like mamoth. the organizational nightmare it must be to distribute that much stuff, is pretty amazing.
-At one of the meals, the "plastic forks" were actually made from potatoes.
-I drank enough beer over the few days, that on the way home, we stopped for Lunch/dinner at Outback, and I took a pass. (not on booze, just on beer, I had gin)
-We came home inspired to make more changes, and move more stuff in the shop.
-We bought tif a super cool wheels set, pretty colors, the money went to charity, the wheels go to us.

Otherwise you would pretty much have to be a bike geek to have any real interest in the goings on, even Tif had to pretend to be interested sometimes.
Thanks for listening

Sunday, February 22, 2009

random thoughts

When any government, or church for that matter, undertakes to say to its subjects, this you may not read, this you must not see, this you are forbidden to know, the end result is tyranny and oppression, no matter how holy the motive.
-robert heinlein

pictures are great scott, and i think i am going to be in illinois apr 7 thru apr 14. have to visit my dad.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Pics of the shop.

---Here are some various shots of my ex's shop and 1 or 2 of the little monster. No, shes not a monster at all, shes a rather good girl and she is my pride and joy and she is my life, without her smile, Id be a shell of a human, for reals. Anyways, You name it and if it's vintage Ang either sells it online or has it in her shop, which will also sometimes end up on her website too. The upper loft is where the lingerie and vintage bridal wear is, I think I included 1 decent shot of the vintage sexy wear, woohoo! Her shop isnt small per say, but she could use twice the room easy. She may move next year sometime, time itself will tell.

So yeah guys, this is where I spend my Saturday afternoons, keeping my eye on the kid while my ex works her vintage magic. Im also usually there on Weds. afternoons too, just hanging w/ the ex, her and I use the time to just hang and shoot the breeze. As you all obviously know, were divorced but we are still super tight for the sake of our daughter and Im a hopeless hard luck story who is still in love w/ her so I almost always enjoy the time. Shes open Wed-Fri, 10 AM-530 PM and Sat. 10 AM- 430 PM. Her website, which she built all by herself is pretty damn cool too. Shes not super HTML girl, but she knows enough code to rock a killer website.---

Friday, February 13, 2009

What a difference a day makes!

---Just yesterday at this time it was nearly 50 degrees and sunny. These two shots were just taken outside off the front stoop of my place. Snow is falling at a rate of about an inch an hour. Its quite beautiful actually. Its real light and fluffy too so clean up later should be super easy! You guys enjoy your weekend. I guess a portion of this storm is forecasted to hit you guys sometime early tomorrow AM. Enjoy.---

Monday, February 09, 2009

Small Talk.

---Well, I honestly dont wanna take away from Scott's great picture adventure here on the OMI blog for this month, so Ill try to keep this one short. Scott, your "28 days" project is the best thing this blog has yet to see. Period.

We are currently under the spell of a early Feb. heatwave and I hope it has hit you guys over there too! Weve been near or above 50, 55 degrees since this past Saturday and tomorrow its supposed to be 55 again, but by this week's end back down into the 30s where its supposed to be for this time of year. Im really starting to wonder if the big snowfall action is gonna pass us by for this winter! I checked an Iowa weather almanac online here and the most snow weve had on the ground here in Des Moines at once has only been around 5.5 inches this season. We can all say, being people from the Midwest that that aint shit, ya know? I figure if ya make it to the 2nd week of March or so, you can start to say youve made it through and the coast starts to look clear as far as no more major snow. Id like to think that we are done with the major arctic cold snaps for the season already. No more below zeros please.

I havent been up to much. Im gonna try to get some pics of the ex's shop tomorrow to post here later this week. She just admitted to me late last week that once she gets in the groove of her new home for a while and some other things get taken care of, shes gonna start to look for a new location for her shop or just go back to strictly online sales again since shed have space to store inventory and then some in her basement at her new digs. Thats how she got her start anyways, w/ the online thing and now she still does that even today on top of the actual shop.

My daughter is doing great, no bad news to report there. Shes become a little Nintendo Wii master, the little bugger, shes better than I am at most games.

Well, I guess Ill hit the sack. So much for a short email, sorry boys! Where are ya PJB? You OK?

Scott, please keep the awesome photos coming for the month!!!

Chat soon my brothers, love yas.---

Thursday, February 05, 2009

Crazy Hair Day 2009

sorry about the crappy pic, but my good camera is at the shop so this is a cell phone pic

Crazy hair day keeps getting funner...
This time.
Max and I missed our cue, NBFD to him.
Jake on the other hand, a few days ago he decided to dye his hair red (it came out sorta pink..)for Spirit week with his swim team, and to make it crazier, he took some red hair goop, and made some liberty spikes. All by himself.

Wednesday, February 04, 2009


---Remember in an earlier post from this week when I said Id take my digi. cam. to the ex's shop and take pics in my own way for you guys to see? I dropped the ball. I forgot my camera here at home.

When it comes to everything except the kid, Im born to lose, and destined to fail. Nah, not really, Ill be there again this Saturday, if it isnt busy, Ill shoot some pics then!

Scott, your idea for the "28 days" thing is awesome, what made ya think that up? Thats pretty damn original, I likey!!!

Tuesday, February 03, 2009


As mentioned earlier, I have been doing a little shop decorating.

Here is a pic taken in our Kids Room in November, it shoes the changing rooms, that we were using to hold BMX bikes, during the summer we had tires in one.

here is a pic of the same spot different angle now it has assecories, parts and our trialers

Here is a pic of the west side of what we call the porch, it was where we had our Trailer display, and our Fit station, as well as some Parts & assesories on a couple of book shelves

Now it is all Parts and Assesoris, with a handle bar diplay, and our fit station


---Well, as much as I enjoy the winter season, I have all but fallen victim to cabin fever! I do get out once in a while. Therapy once a week and I see the kid a couple times a week to, usually on Wednesdays and Saturdays, but the rest of the time is spent with my nose usually in a book trying to ward off the evil spirit of the winter blues. This Iowa weather is even more fucked up. Today, for example, the high here will be 12, with temps. dumping down into dangerous wind chills by tonight. And by Friday its supposed to be 51 degrees! At least that will melt a lot of the ugly snow. We still havent gotten a major dumping on this winter yet, the most weve accumulated at once was around 5 inches. Its February, its still the dead of winter, I know it somewhere down in my bones that we are gonna get nailed to the wall with at least one big snow fall before its all said and done. We just have to...Im talking anything over 7 or 8 inches in one storm. Its gonna happen damnit.

That tiny little slice of a photo up by my ugly mug is clickable. It will show you a huge ass pic of my backyard, dying tree and all. You will also notice quite a few tire tracks and ruts back there. Thats where we usually park, on the back of the lot when there is no snow. I tried to park there last Sat. cuz it was like 45 here and totally forgot about overnight re-freeze, so when I came out the next morning my ride had sunk into 4 nice ice ruts. That was a blast to maneuver out of. We still wont be parking back there for a while yet.

Also one quick marks the 50th anniversary of the deaths of Richie Valens, The Big Bopper and NONE OTHER than the great Buddy Holly. The actual plane crash site is about 3 1/2 hours from here in Iowa. Ive been listening to Buddy all morning, gotta pay respect to the man who influenced so many musicians of today, not only with his sound, but with his free spirit and his love for creating music. To skip out in life by not listening to Buddy would be a damn shame. He was a pioneer and had he lived on, there is no telling what kind of an even stronger influence he would have had on the musicians of today, well, a lot of the musicians I enjoy anyways, Id be willing to bet half of these new school bands have no idea of what they are missing out on.

RIP Buddy. Rave on.---

Sunday, February 01, 2009

Blog snooping

---Hey PJB....I was just reading your shop blog and it does indeed seem like you have taken on quite the task of doing some decent work of remodeling some areas of the shop. I would love to see some pictures when you get the time.

What made ya dump out of the apparel aspect of the biz? Did it just not profit for ya? Ill assume that was the #1 reason. My ex went through a seriously dry period w/ jewelry like that, but it finally picked up, now shes doing all right in that area.

I think this week when I head over to her shop Im gonna take some pics of her digs my style and post 'em here later in the week so you guys can get a Tippy type look at her shop. Its pretty neat.

Yeah, I just got a kick ass new digi. cam. for Christmas, so I will do that actually. Look for pics later in the week if all goes well. I usually go over there on Wednesdays to chill.

As I have mentioned previously, the kid and I are OBSESSED w/ dinosaurs in a huge ass way. Last night her and I spent about an hour on the p.c. doing "research" on some certain dinos. The kid actually spelled some dino names correctly, more so than I! Shes gonna be something special. Its amazing to watch them grow. Either Im gonna go back to school for Paleontology or she will possibly end up there someday. Its a trip.

Ill get a pic or two of Ava also so you guys can see how much she has grown.

Look for a photo update late in this coming week!---

Friday, January 30, 2009

Born to lose

---So yeah right, you guys know I went ahead and kicked the terrible drug habit Ive managed to toss around in my life, back and forth for the past what felt like 20 years, right? OK, I think I have that licked, now Im totally addicted to those huge ass cans of cold coffee/energy drinks! Right now Im trying one made by Java Monster named Mean Bean. It tastes awesome, but will give ya quite the coffee buzz in the end. I used to just drink the Starbuck's ones, but Ive "branched out" now.

Not to mention these damn things are like 3.00 a pop! But for a 15 oz. coffee/power drink that aint that bad I guess.

They are so yummers, I cant stop drinking them!

P.S. Hey Pirate, get your ass out here on this blog and play with us!!!!---

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Shes all growns up!

---OK, she isnt even my wife anymore, but I highly admire her work ethic and the way she treats our daughter is divine (and yeah, Im still in love with the broad). So, last Friday, I mentioned "the ex" put in a bid on a damn nice little cozy bungalow in a great neighborhood here in Des Moines? She got it.

It needs some new deco. and some fresh paint jobs but besides that, it all looks good. The house inspection is tomorrow.

Im just really damn HAPPY because now I know my daughter will grow up in a great area in a nice little, cozy home because her Mother kicks all ass.

Thank God for good moms, can I get an Amen?---

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Mother fuck McAfee!!!

---So, as some of you may have known, I was recently on the hunt for some new anti-virus software. Well, McAfee had already come w/ my p.c. when I bought it, so they sent me a "You cant lose" deal once my initial free subscription had expired. Needless to say I bit. All was well, I was getting what I THOUGHT was an out standing product at a great annual price.

As soon as I downloaded it, things on the ole p.c. here started getting odd. Whenever I'd go to open my virus protection center it was nothing but a blank window. I uninstalled, reinstalled and emailed McAfee. Nothing fixed it and they never got back to me.

Then today, my Firefox browser took a shit. I am currently running Firefox in "safe mode" and even w/ that I still get several error boxes whenever I open a new browser window, something about "Chrome failure". I looked this up and did exactly what the Firefox website said to do to try to fix it and it did nothing to help.

THEN one of my Dell programs took a shit later today. Its a rather useful Dell program too, it can be used to detect when a new driver may be needed to install on your system, its basically a driver detective for Dell systems. Ive uninstalled this too, but am afraid as of now to try and reinstall it.

Im being childish and immature and blaming this all on McAfee. Ive emailed them and asked for a full refund. But to be 110% honest, NONE of this shit started to happen UNTIL I downloaded the new McAfee program. McAfee has been totally uninstalled from my system and I am currently running the free version of AVG's anti virus software. Ive used it before and never had problems with it being free. It runs a pretty deep scan and catches Trojans just like any other virus protection. I understand Trojans are the most common "viral" type problem around. It also has auto updates. When I get some green next month, Ill upgrade to their pro version for 40 bucks a year.

Sometimes, owning a p.c. sucks donkey pee pee---

Monday, January 26, 2009

My, um, well, work station. Yeah, thats it, sure.

---This is where my lazy ass sits when I am blogging to you guys! I dont know why, but I felt compelled to share it with you so you have a visualization of where Im at when blogging. Yeah, I know the desk is a mess, I dunno why but all the tiny shit in my room seems to gravitate to the desk!---

---EDIT. Since no one has commented on this yet, Ill assume no one has seen it yet. I wanna give a big shout of THANKS to my Home slice Scott for putting all those great OMI pics into an archived Picasa account. I have been looking at them and commenting on them on and off and it has been really, really great to jog down memory lane w/ some of those photos considering some of those pics are nearly 18 or 19 years old now! Thanks again Scott!!! Hopefully we can all add more as time goes on!---

Sunday, January 25, 2009

I dont like Sundays!

---At least with the weekdays I have some structure around whats going on and what Im up to but I cannot STAND these lazy Sundays. I know for most of you this means little or nothing at all. PJB, youre at work during the day and Scott, I think on most weekends, you have an extra set of hands around the house which may give you a few simple hours here and there to chill and get other home tasks done. Like I said, this doesnt apply to all of us. Steve, you also may be at, or getting ready to go to work for the evening. I like my Sundays for sleeping in in some cases, even though in reality, it rarely does happen, especially when you are awoken to a fresh layer of snow like I was this AM (3 inches, no big deal, but enough to shovel and wipe off the cars). I rarely see Ava on Sundays because that is usually Ava and Mommy day which I totally respect. It is one of their more quiet days and Im not about to tread upon it even though once in a great while Ill get invited over, but no such luck today.

I at this moment sorta at least wish it was late Spring or even early Summer (as much as I dislike Summer) so I could sit outside w/ a choice beverage and read a book or something. Reading while stuck in my bedroom for the afternoon just doesnt have the same effect. There isnt much to do on the p.c. I could be emailing McAfee right now and rip them up one wall and down the other as to why my virus protection is seemingly not working right, but I really dont feel like it, even though I just extended my coverage with them.

Ah, lazy Sunday's, ya just cant get away from them sometimes. At least I have stuff shaking down this coming week.

Get back at me and have a good week gentlemen.---

Friday, January 23, 2009

One more thing guys.

This one is truly a gem. Id get this tattooed on my body somewhere if I could make it fit and still look good.---

"Great things are not accomplished by those who yield to trends and fads and popular opinion.” -Jack Kerouac


Hello Peeps!

---Hi ladies (Hah, Im totally kiddin') I hope ya'll have a splendid weekend. Mine will be filled w/ arctic friggin air. The temp. here tomorrow is supposed to be 10 for the high, with the wind chills dippin' well below zero. Then we have snow dumping in on us Sunday night.

The heat is for shit at my ex's shop, so hopefully she'll close early tomorrow.

She just put in a bid on a really damn nice 2 bdrm. house today. She was pretty nervous, but I think shes got a good in. She'll know by around 10 tonight if she has it or not. I really hope she gets it. It would be great for my Ava, she would have a wonderful and safe backyard to play in. The house itself is wonderful, Ill be hanging around there a lot just to be the annoying ex who takes advantage of the others ex's new home. Nah, Im kidding, Id like to think Id be welcomed as usual.

Once again, have a good weekend guys, love yas---

Thursday, January 22, 2009


---Gonna be 45 here today!

Then back down into the 30s tomorrow and back way down to fucking 19 damn degrees by Saturday. Ah, Winter in the Midwest, gotta love it!

Whats up w/ you guys? Anything good?---

Monday, January 19, 2009

Virus Protection Advice

---Scott, Ill get back to you on the actor question, I gotta think about that one for a while, but thanks for the good on the spot question, I liked it.

OK, do any of you guys know a decent CHEAP or better yet, FREE virus protection program? My Mcafee plan that was nice and that came w/ my p.c. for free just ran out a few days ago and to repurchase it, it would run me 69 bucks a year! I also know that their best competition, Norton is a rip off because its not worth the price and it is a HUGE ASS memory hog.

I liked Mcafee, really, but 70 bucks a year?

Anyone know of a decent, cheap, or free virus protection program I can buy online??? Ive used AVG before and its free and does auto updates and everything and I never had any problems with it, but really, how good can it be?

Advice boys? Got some? Thanks, Ill check back later on...---

Here is the question

My wife posed to me at dinner Saturday night. If you could be any actor past or present who would it be? I love this cleaver out of nowhere shit she comes up with but it was late any thing past 8pm and I am pretty much useless. Coupled with a pint of Sam Adams and a wild mushroom pizza (the kids were at their Papa’s) I am amazed I found any sense to my self. At first I thought it must be any thing but Brad Pit, and so Forest Whitaker came to mind, I like him and my wife seemed pleased that I was thinking it might be a large black man. But my slush said he was not it and so I labored a bit longer. Then I thought who I really like is David Thewlis (aka Knox Harrington) but I couldn’t of the life of me think of his name, and so I began to think that maybe he was to obscure and over thought, so in the end I settled on Sir. Alec Guinness
. Now you know.
So give it up boys who would you be?

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Just thinkin out loud

I know on which side of the fence I stand, is where my family lives, and I stand by the gate though many say not to; because I stubbornly believe in loving thy neighbor.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

random thoughts


Wind: NE at 0 mph
Humidity: 50%

72° | 40°Thu

72° | 43°Fri

72° | 45°Sat

70° | 45°

sorry, couldn't resist.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Winter sets in

---How goes it fellas? We got about 6 inches of the white fluff from Sunday night into Monday morning and now it is just friggin freezing. The high here today is like -2. Supposed to be "warmer" tomorrow, then back to single digits for Thursday. Whatever, it hasnt bothered me as of yet, well, not totally, I just hate trying to get in a car where both front doors have been wind blown and frozen shut. I just use a butter knife and run it around the part where the door meets the car and that knocks the ice loose and doesnt damage the door seal, but man, my car was very pissed off at being forced to start this AM, but she did after all.

I think the ex is gonna buy a condo and she wants all this input from me. Im not really for it so Ive just been nice and have been playing along. I dont wanna be the asshat who tells her that I think its a bad idea.

Along with my daughter's help. I have recently become obsessed with dinosaurs and Ive been doing a fair amount of studying on them so my kid cant one up me when we talk about them. She knows A LOT about them! Its almost frightening. I honestly, at times think that we may have a future paleontologist on our hands here, which is kinda exciting. She just turned 6 last week, but the kid is so far beyond the general comprehension and learning ability of a 6 year old.

Besides battling w/ Ava over dinosaurs, things have been more or less quiet here. Yesterday, I called an official "Snow day" for myself so I went out and shoveled early, then came in, dried off and put on sweat pants and did nothing the rest of the day. In fact, I was in bed by 8 last night. I feel very rested today and it feels great!

So, whats the haps w/ you guys? Hows the snow over there? Hows the biz PJB? I looked at all your pics you posted Scott and there are some great candid shots in there, your wife definitely has a feel for it.

So, whats up? Do tell.....---

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Happy New Year!

Hello and Happy New Year!

Holy Cow! It sure is Snowy today!

Do you have any Resolutions?
Events to train for?
Fitness Goals for 2009?
Or bikes that in need of repair?

We are here and eager to help!
Now is the time to get a head start on your training, indoor trainers have come a long way.
Save some cash by getting your bike repaired in the Snowy months 20% off Labor rates

oh, and we are the Areas newest Kestrel Dealer, these are very some HOT road and Tri Bikes.

Wednesday, January 07, 2009

random thoughts

Dear World:
The United States of America, your quality supplier of ideals of liberty and democracy, would like to apologize for its 2001 to 2008 service outage. The technical fault that led to this eight-year service interruption has been located, and the parts responsible for it were replaced Tuesday night, November 4. Early tests of the newly-installed equipment indicate that it is functioning correctly, and we expect it to be fully functional by mid-January. We apologize for any inconvenience caused by the outage, and we look forward to resuming full service - and hopefully even improving it in years to come.

Thank you for your patience and understanding.


I found this little snipet in my local paper, the Arivaca Connection

Tuesday, January 06, 2009

December 2008

We had almost 2 gigs of photos from last month, just thought you might like to see the picks
of the litter.
Slide Show

Friday, January 02, 2009

Three cheers for Joe!

Hip hip hurray! Hip hip hurray! Hip hip hurray!

Thank You Facebook!

Joe sent you a message.

(no subject)

Hey Scott,
I did get your letter and phone call, and Petes. I've been very busy. that's why I didn't respond for so long. sorry about that! I do like that on the OMI Blog site my picture is up there with the machete:) nice. I will talk to you soon and tell everyone I said "hi" and congrats to all you guys that got married also.

They are officially over!

OK, now the "Holiday season" is officially done with until next winter. What would you rate your season as? Was it an A+, or did it have its down moments, earning it only a C or so? Its OK if it did, we are Offmen and we all have our faults, thats what makes us so unique! My Christmas was an A, my New Years was a C. I gots me in a lil argument in a quiet corner of her apartment w/ my ex and calmly walked over to my daughter, told her Dad wasnt feeling well and kissed her goodnight and walked outta there. I was home in bed by midnight!

Im glad its all over. Now we havta deal w/ the next few months of possible cabin fever with winter really having its chance of setting in. We have a tiny ice storm forecasted for Sat. here. Ive heard that the next few months the weather is supposed to be "balmy" as compared to frigid. Ill believe that b.s. when I feel it.

Enjoy 2009 boys. I know we will still have our kick ass blog to still frequent!

Over and out---