Friday, January 27, 2006

Filthy mouths, good intentions, and OFFMEN slang

To say that at the time we were a group of vulgar and profane young punks might be an understatement. See bellow a list of slang common to OFFMEN culture. I find irony in my years that even though we meant to express something so specific in our words, many around us must have really thought we were quite the opposite of what we intended to portray our selves as being. I can’t speak for all of the OFFMEN but it is my opinion that most of us believed ourselves to be a part of a very noble cause…. But again you could never tell by our language.

And Twice on Sundays (Yes, I can whip you with one hand tied behind my back you punk)

Blow it out your ass (your being ridiculous, often asked to be repeated by Frank, because he really did perform this slang to perfection).

Chucky Chicken (this little phrase usually preformed as a drunken sailor would, slurring and staggering included, was actually a reference to the darker side of humanity and was often applied in parody towards some one or something we felt had crossed over to the dark side. Chuckey’s character, a clown loving pedophile who lived in children’s closets…quite simply a very sick character.)

Mongo like you (a reference to Frank’s hazing, or Wow your actually quite intelligent and now I feel rather stupid)

Purdy little faggots (Ironically used to describe homophobic jock types who occasionally harassed us. The OFFMEN as a group were very much against any thing that was tainted by ones fear of homosexuals)

Piss Off (our nerdy way of saying fuck you)

Rice Man (Any one suspected of stalking our club, also a reference to an unknown individual who compromised our campsite…and was almost shot!)

The OFFMEN Informer (A one time news publication that will keep most of us from ever considering life in the public spotlight.)

The OMIDD (Official club rules)

Urination Proclamation (Official OFFMEN document signed in 1990 having to do with not peeing on one another)

Wha Wha Wha my pussy hurts (Please stop crying over spilled milk, when the going gets tough the tough get going)

Your what hurts (I did not hear you, or I find what you are saying to be absurd)?

1 comment:

Scott said...

I can still, to this very moment, see and hear Frank saying "Blow it out your ass". He did have that single phrase perfected. NO ONE could say it like he could and it was beautiful, just beautiful. Hed look at ya w/ those deep blue eyes and let 'er rip....
