Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Offmen Eric speeks! First Entry

Written By Eric

1st blog entry….

Tippy here….mood---excited and tired as hell.

Today was a boring day like most. I’m living in the lovely corn filled State of Iowa nowadays, specifically Des Moines. The closest thing I can compare it to is a bustling pseudo suburb. I moved here from Springfield Illinois about 4 years ago now and I have grown to like it. My kid lives her and so does her mommy. We just get along well and having a child does truly change everything in your life from sleep to sex to foods to everything else in between and its pretty awesome. My little girl blows my mind she is so intelligent. Her name you ask? Ava Sophia. She will be 3 on Jan. 7th.

I am not working right now and I am going through the process of getting Fed. Disability for a whole battery of physical and mental problems, most of which I really don’t wanna get into on here. To depressing and kinda even boring. Im 32 now and loaded with tattoos but no piercings; the idea of looking like you just tripped and fell into a tackle box just doesn’t do it for me. I have once again became fixated with my writings and I am in the process of getting some work published online.

For those of you that remember them or care for that matter, my Mom and Step Dad are doing so-so. They are inundated with some nasty health problems also, but they are still ticking. Also for those of you that met or remember him, my Grandfather (the man I used to call my Pa) died a year ago September to cancer. It rocked my world and really shook me up. I think of him everyday of my life now.

I don’t have a lot of fun. I collect a lot of music, stolen from the internet like a good American. I have no women in my life and I made the huge mistake of falling in love with a married woman on top of that. My advice, if you get that chance, RUN LIKE HELL! Bad pains and not worth it in the end.

Over the past years, I dabbled with a lot of things I was curious about, but never should have crossed over into. I think there is a few people here, once they read this, will get what Im saying.

Thast me in a nutshell right now.

A few other things I wanted to add on my behalf and Scott’s; This blog site was created for you guys in hopes of sparking some kind of Offmen fire in side you once again. We do havea a few simple requests though.

We ask that you please NOT link to other web pages you find interesting. We just don’t want this blog to turn into a site where all we do is link to things we find online.

We ask that you keep it porn free. We may have family looking at this sometime and keeping the XXX stuff off of here just seems right. We are not trying to censor you we just would like this it remain clean, ok?

We ask that if you want to leave an email address for other to contact you that’s fine, but we prefer it be a Gmail account so your Offmen reposnses will be separate and easier to maintain over your regular daily emails and such. You can get a Gmail account through www.google.com It is free and takes a mere 5 mins. To set up. The other nice benefit of this is so we can get our names into the google database as Offmen incase anyone wants to try to find us that way.

OK, your turn…….


1 comment:

Scott said...

What! you fell for a married woman!!!! Sounds so juicy! Hope this works out because I really need to hear more.
