Saturday, January 21, 2006

white stuff and another Offmen memory...

Written By Eric
So just yesterday I was commenting on how we havent seen snow here in quite some time, well, yesterday evevning we got about 2 inches of the white stuff. Kinda ironic. The weekend is here and I find myself with not too much to do besides spend time with the kid which is always nice. Shes getting so damn big.

Anyways, here is another Offmen memory that just came back to me:

The rice man. First let me explain his name. We aptly named him “Rice Man” because when he walked through the woods, he made a snap, crackle and pop noise through the brush and for some reason, Rice Crispies Cereal came to our minds. With that said, lemme tell ya about The Rice Man. It all started the 1st night we were there at the campsite. It had rained terribly when we arrived so the first night we decided to turn in early and regroup for the following day of chaos. We were all in our tents and cars for that matter…it had gotten late and some of us were playing cards inside our tents: that I do remember. It was myself, Mikey S., Joey S. and a couple others…maybe even Scott. Then we heard the first noise.

It happened right outside my tent and at first we thought it was one of the other guys playing around. I remember someone from our tent yelling at the others to stop messing around and the guys from the others tents quickly said they weren’t playing around and for us to shut up. It was then that we realized that someone, not one of us mind you, was in our campsite. Needless to say, we were all set on edge by this incident.

From there on out, night one was pretty sleepless for most of us. We went into the woods in groups of two and three guys looking for this mysterious invader. I remember the 2nd night we even offered him a bottle of vodka to come out and introduce himself. He didn’t go for it. We built traps, climbed up trees in wait but yet we never were able to discover whom this mysterious, yet noisy woods person was. Whoever it was had guts: they would get within five or ten feet of us before darting off. We also knew that they or he knew the woods in the area really damn well.

To make a long adventure short, we never did find out who it was, well, not then at least. If I remember right, The Miller boys went back up to the campsite some time later to meet a young man who had admitted to coming across some campers near his land and he was worried about them coming across his large crop of grass that he had growing near to us. We never found any weed, at least I don’t think.
The Rice Man was a young kid, protecting his crop! Regardless who he was, he had us pretty fired up for a few nights during that camping trip. I wonder if he still remembers us today like I do him.

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