Wednesday, May 03, 2006

ALEXANDRIA, Virginia (CNN) -- Al Qaeda terrorist Zacarias Moussaoui should spend the rest of his life in prison for his role in the September 11, 2001, attacks on the United States, a federal jury decided Wednesday.

The nine men and three women returned their verdict on the seventh day of deliberations after reliving the September 11 attacks through weeks of harrowing testimony and evidence.

Jurors were stone-faced as the lengthy verdict form was read in court. Spectators, including some 9/11 family members, fell silent and Moussaoui showed no immediate reaction.

So what the hell does this say to any other terrorist? Be part in a plot that killed thousands of people and we will house you for the rest of your life in a prison. They couldnt have made a cocktail lethal enough for this fucker in my opinion. Some will argue that he is mentally ill and that is why some will say he got life instead of death, which is an arguement I would be willing to hear even though I would havea ahrd time believing it. I just dont wanna hear liberal cry babies whine and bitch about the death penalty now and how its wrong. An eye for an reap what you sow....


Mark M said...

I'll take the opposing side, Tippy. If you don't wanna hear it, stop reading now. As a general matter of principle, I'm against the death penalty because (a) it is administered arbitrarily, and (b) it is impossible to eliminate error from the judicial system -- innocent people get executed. In Moussaoui's case, it's (a) that would apply.

Also, I think the whole "eye for an eye" thing is one of those lost in translation things. This goes back to Bronze Age Sumeria (5000 years ago), before the state had developed to where there was much of a court system. If someone stole your goat, it was up to you to mete out justice, and you might feel entitled to kill the man who stole your goat. The "eye for an eye" thing is actually a call for leniency -- it limits retribution. If someone puts out your eye, you can exact a proportional punishment, but no more.

Sickboy said...

I am a firm believer in the death penalty, thats all I am saying. I believe one should face the proper punishment for what they have done. In this case, if this animal knew about the 9/11 plot before it happned he should fry.

Sickboy said...

thats my Frank!!!! Pay per view executions for all!!!!! Ill pay up front even. stupid tax burden.

In all seriousness, I know it costs more to end someone than it does to keep them alive but I still dun care. I believe some people need to be made an example of. In this case, it is this Al Qaeda animal.

Scott said...

Eric, as a true friend and brother I would caution you in your assumption that this individual deserves execution under the crime which he was accused. Though I am convinced this individual wishes to do harm to all of us in the US, that wish is not exactly what he was charged with. I have to side with Mark, and Frank/Kristy, its not that I believe my self soft; only I don’t believe the death penalty to be punishment or deterant to this individual. Concerning he being used as an example I have to say this, as angry as I am about the events that have transpired since the first booming of the WTC (and I stress the fist one, having studied it closely). It is my opinion that we need to take caution and think through the our actions against our enemys with our brains and not our harts. It is my belief that terrorism as a tool is most effective because it renders us blind with rage and hate…Blind! Not reason nor intelligence, these are traits are left solely to those who wish us death.

dad-e~O said...

Also, Eric (not to pick on you) consider if this douchebag actually got put to death, thqat would make him a martar, in the same leage as the bastards who actully controled the planes. And by now we all know that muslim extremist marters get a never ending supply of young virgin ass in the hereafter. so if nothing else he should be protected and slapped into a box next to Leonard Peltier, just to make him miserable.
I also am a suppporter of the death penalty, but... Killing someone should make problems go away, not start new ones. and killing this assface will only cause more strife and hate in the muslim world against americans.

Oh, and Mark, you are a bad mother.. qouteing Bronze Age Sumeria, how fuckin' cool.

dad-e~O said...

I'm pretty sure that I am the village idiot.

Sickboy said...

I stand alone on this one I guess. I appreciate all your voices and input on this one though. I knew someone would bring up the martyr thing with him too.

Sickboy said...

and FREE Leonard Peltier!!!!!

Sickboy said...

thats something Homer Simpson would say. Good one Frank.

steve butt said...

i have to come down on the anti death penalty side. to execute is simply venegence for the victim's family. my feel good for a while but the they still don't have their loved one back. i think gandalf said it best when he said many deserve life, can you give it to them?
my core argument though is that i do not think we should give our government the power of death. they screw up to much on little things.