Sunday, May 21, 2006

Attention, A Non Offmen (Diana) has some thing to say

Here ye here ye all men of the off variety, your groupie shall return. To those who have been a light in my life, a beacon of hope, I am coming home YAY ME!!! Though u may be less than excited, i can think of no better moment. My grandparents are in their ninties and my whole family will b there, so I figure this is the last great opportunity for Ethan, and for me. What would make my life complete, however, is to have a family friendly breu ha ha with the people that were my family 4 many years. While I know u all have lives and things to which u need to attend, I so hope you will mark your calendars. I should b there around July 21. I hope 2 stay @ least 10 days. While I know bu have a reunion planned, I hope u will take the time to reunite with the me as well. Luv 2 u all.


Sickboy said...


I can make no guaratees since my life is falling to shambles as I type but I will see what I can do to get there for some of the time you are in town.

Anonymous said...

appreciate the sentiment, but very disturbed to hear your life is "falling to a shambles". must say i have been feeling similarly though. that's just another reason a recoup at home sounds like it will hit the spot.

Scott said...

Frank I don’t remember taking naked photos of Pat and Eric as part of any lingerie shoot at your request?

Di, I will put your dates in pen on my calander.

Sickboy said...

Hey there are no racey photos of me anywhere that you can find....

Anonymous said...

HA, butt shots all around that lingerie night. Surprised you remebered that shoot was from that night though Frank. Good memory. Hope I am still as compelling.