Monday, May 15, 2006

Border Guards

So how do ya'll feel about having the Nat. Guard at our borders to protect them?

In a nutshell I think Im all for it.


dad-e~O said...

I think it is a Fantasticly bad Idea, not only is that not what the National Guard (NG) is for, we will have to increase the ranks of the NG, or increase the "real Armed Forces" since most of the NG is on active duty in Iraq, Afganistan, and soon to be Iran, not to mention Korea, Germany, god know where else.
the Armed forces and the NG is or should be trained to KILL, not to keep peace, not to be police. Border Guards should be there to safely discourage people from crossing a border. Trying to get to a better life should not be a death sentence.
Traing Soldiers to be police or border guards will lessen their effectiveness when actually in a danger situation.
The National Guard is by definition a temporary force, does that mean that we will only temporaraly protect the border? This sort of job calls for people properly trained to fulfill a specific task, not temps.

dad-e~O said...

sorry that the first response you get is a disenter, dude but you asked. I'm not sayin the border shouldn't be properly guarded, I just think there is a better way then the "Minutemen" or "National Guard"

Sickboy said...

Point well taken. I just feel we need a better situation to keep those unwanted here out.

And by unwanted, I mean those entering illegally

Michael said...

Go Pete!

Heard on CNN that to save money the plan is to send in the NG in TWO WEEK rotations, when they would normally be doing their annual training. TWO WEEKS?!?!? They'll barely know where the bathroom is at before their heading home.

Also, there is a law that prevents the executive from utilizing the military in a policing role. Bush used it as an excuse for not having the NG help out more after Katrina.

Other than the above, I'm with Pete. Sorry Eric, but this is a stupid political stop gap piece of crap idea.

Scott said...

Just another example of a Republican wasting my tax dollars… Its not that I believe their opponents do it any better it is just that it irks me to no end when a party that prides it self on fiscal conservatism continues spend money so wastefully again and again.

dad-e~O said...

Scott, I think the "Right" way to patrol the border would actually be more expensive then using the NG or Army. But at least wouldn't be wastefull.

Sickboy said...

Well, Im glad this got some people talking....