Saturday, May 27, 2006


BAGHDAD, Iraq May 27, 2006 (AP)— An Iraqi tennis coach and two of his players were shot to death this week in Baghdad because they were wearing shorts, authorities said Saturday, reporting the latest in a series of recent attacks attributed to Islamic extremists.

A U.S. Marine AH-1 Cobra helicopter, meanwhile, crashed Saturday and its two crew members were missing in Anbar province, a volatile area west of the capital where insurgents are active. Hostile fire was not suspected as the cause of the crash, the U.S. military said.

In the Baghdad incident, gunmen stopped a car carrying the Sunni Arab coach and two Shiite players, asked them to step out and then shot them, said Manham Kubba secretary-general of the Iraqi Tennis Union.

Now I guess Islamic extremists (fundamentalists) dont like it if you wear shorts. What the fuck is wrong with these people? I dont understand them and to be 100% honest I dont wanna understand them. Call me ignorant or whatever, but at least I have the guts to say what half of you are thinking anyways....I think sometimes it is okay to be teh ugly American and not care about other parts of the world because I can honestly admit, I dont at times. They dont wanna know us, why should we even try to know them? Really.....Im not saying we should hate all of th ose out there wearing the flag of Islam, there has to be some decent, loving Muslims out there, but Im talking about extremists...I guess it is a cultural thing. I am the ugly American and I have no problem with that. And dont gimmie this We Are The World b.s. either. We dont have to love everyone. Im just sick and friggin tired of seeing this kind of shit happen and where we have to act like we give a damn.


dad-e~O said...

E, couple of quick questions:
-are you in the mist of quitting smoking, you sound a little grumpy ;)
-who's telling you to give a damn about muslims killing other muslims on the otherside of the planet certainly not me, or anyone else on this forum. Look at the sourse and understand their motives. the gov't wants you to hate the iraqies, most of the news agencies want you to hate the gov't.
-please be aware of painting with a broad brush an entire people because of the actions of a few. remember, not all baptists handle snakes, not all catholics bugger little boys, not all jews are cheap, not all muslims carry bombs, not everyone with a tattoo is a punk.
-you once read the Autobiography of Malcomn X (I believe you said it was your favorite movie in that poll last month). do you remember the diference in his teachings before and after his pilgrimage to mecca?
-there are fundamental societal diferences between Iraq (or any conservative religous society) and our own, we like wearing shorts, to them it's an offence against god. about 250 years ago there was a society of people here in "America" that felt it was wrong to look a person in the eyes when speaking to them.
-People of all societies (and subcultures) kill each other for what other people feel is no good reason at all.
Im not saying its right and your wrong. I'm not saying your right and their wrong.
I'm just trying to give you another thing to think about.

Frankly I dont give a fart in a windstorm about Muslim fundamentalists in the middle east either. I do care about american buildings getting bombed in the US and abroad, and our citizens dying for misguided crap.

that's enough from me, for now. I hope I didn't piss you off.

Sickboy said...

Nah, PJ I hear you totally and I wanted to say that I dont include all Muslims in on this and yeah, as you know, our research of Malcolm and the NOI did open both our eyes to alot.

Im just frustrated.

dad-e~O said...

fine, be frustrated, just be aware of who your frustrated at, don't let the "man" play your emotions. if your going to be mad @ someone, be mad at the right someone.
Use of words like "these people", and "animals" de humanizes a very human problem.

Sickboy said...

the man sucks....

Sickboy said...

yeah, I was mad at the world when I set this thread in place. I wont apologize for my feelings but I will say I acted out of anger. I think you should never, EVER feel sorry for your feelings but you should watch how you channel those feelings.

my bad. Whoopsie.

Scott said...

It is shameful that any fundamental religion, get more press face than any majority, but then I guess only bad news sells. Leaves me wondering why we buy it… beyond the news stand.

Sickboy said...

yeah I think that was what hit me hardest after calming down over this one; teh bad sells, the good doesnt amount to shit.

Its weird, I try to post interesting media stories here but so many are negative that maybe we all need to put a positive spin on them