Friday, May 26, 2006

By ROBERT BURNS AP Military Writer

WASHINGTON May 26, 2006 (AP)— Investigators believe that their criminal investigation into the deaths of about two dozen Iraqi civilians points toward a conclusion that Marines committed unprovoked murders, a senior defense official said Friday.

The Marine Corps initially reported 15 deaths and said they were caused by a roadside bomb and an ensuing firefight with insurgents. A separate investigation is seeking to determine if Marines lied to cover up the killings.

The official, who discussed the matter on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to discuss the yet-to-be-completed investigation, said the evidence developed by investigators strongly indicates the killings last November in the insurgent-plagued city of Haditha in the western province of Anbar were unjustified.

I just wanted to post this story to say that you rarely, if ever, hear anything positive about our boys over there. It kind of makes me sad to think of the shit they go through on a daily basis yet we never get to hear the good.

I dunno, I just think our men and women over there dont get enough credit. They deserve it and we should be the ones giving it to them. I couldnt imagine being over there right now and how scared I would be. My hats off to you, troops.


dad-e~O said...

of course not, the news hates the current admin. so in turn they hate this war, telling people how kids are going to school for the first time in 25 years doesnot make sensational news

Sickboy said...

but of course, certain insurgents in Iraq have no problem walking up to our GIs loaded w/ explosives and blowing them to all hell.

Im sorry I know it sounds terribly callous, butyou have to admit its true.

Anonymous said...

ok, luv the boys and girls going over there. HUGE rate of enlistment of the kids down here. BUT...murdering 23 people, several of whom were women and children IN THEIR BEDS ASLEEP is beyond unaccaeptable. how can we possibly take the moral high-ground and show them a life post-Saddam if we have people behaving like him. YES this was an isolated incident, one would hope, but as such it cannot be poo pooed or brushed aside.