Thursday, May 25, 2006

Check your dam Email box!

How do I say this politely? I sent all of you an F’n Email and only two of you dead beats responded! It’s not like I am sending you floor plan drawings of a Department store or any thing painful like that. I just want to know if you received my mail, is your address correct, am I talking to nobody, do you care, are you alive, or should I just release the Hounds on your ass? Sure Monty will likely just lick your face when he finds you, it’s the other one, the dark lord named Rose who might make you poop your pants if your not careful. So that’s all I’m done with ranting and raving now, just had to get it out of my system. Hope the day finds all of you well. And please take a moment to review the changes I am proposing to our blog site and let me know what you think.

Grey Matter, Oingo Boingo


Sickboy said...

I just sent you the Offmen intro. rewrite. I hope you get it.

Sickboy said...

and after meeting the hounds, lemme just say for the record, if I didnt know them or you, they would scare the shit out of me if they came running up on me for no reason.

So, you people better respond, those hounds are very scary indeed.