Pray for those whom live in the shadow of your anger.
It is not my goal or desire to lay any sort of religious trip on any of you. I only wrote this as part of a much larger and very personal argument I continue to have with my self day in and day out. I decided to share it with all of you because, this is a blog, and where else am I going to put this sort of thing. So it is what it is.
ok, so where/what is it? Im very curious now....
This is a quote that hits close to home in my life as well. I am both the Angry American, and more than I like the Angry Dad.
I would love to hear more of your arguement...
If what you are saying is to then lift up those who anger you then this is a great point. It shows you are humble and willing to fogive and forget.
If this is not what you are saying then I have misread your statement and am a total bafoon.
Your not a bafoon, just a lovable Turtle.
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