Wednesday, May 31, 2006

For Those of You That Cant Spell.....

WASHINGTON May 31, 2006 (AP)— After three rounds of spelling such words as "nullipara," "oculogyric" and "obstreperous," 86 elementary and middle school students remained standing Wednesday as the first day of tense competition in the annual national spelling bee drew to a close.

The winner will be crowned Thursday night on national TV.

Scores from a 25-word written test and a round of spelling into the microphone were used to narrow the field of 274 fourth-through-eighth-graders to the top 97 spellers.

From there, 11 spellers stumbled on such words as "putative," "boswellize," "colluctation" and "flannelette," and knew it was over at the telltale sound of the bell that signifies a mistake


dad-e~O said...

Tiff says half the reason I maried her was cause I couldn't spelll her name. I wonder how I would do with Oculogyric?

Sickboy said...

yeah. Im a dumbfuck, I dont know w hat half those words even mean. Im a really good speller, but I would have a helluva time with some of those words...

steve butt said...

forget about spelling im starting to ignore puctuation and capitalization

dad-e~O said...

just don't get all crazy like our girl D, she mispells on purpose.
just fuckin with ya D'