Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Hating The TV

Ok, I am the ugly American. I abuse myself, my liberties and such. I watch TV, not tons but at times I get caught up in my weekly shows and re runs. I just recentley saw an advertisement for a show on ABC. It is a mini movie based on the growing concern for bird flu here in the States. It just makes me sick that Hollywood will take an irrational fear of ours and run with it. Bird flu in America....

Like I said, I am a glutton when it comes to sucking in what Hollywood gives me, Im not gonna sit here and be self righteous and say "I never watch TV", I do.

Burn Hollywood Burn.....


dad-e~O said...

i tell people I'm the "ugly american" all the time. I like things simple, and easy to understand.
I beleive in gun rights, the death penalty, and a womans right to choose. I think we should be able to pick our car without consulting a gov't report. And it bothers me that people may be reading this to dig up dirt against me. I don't give a shit what/who other people do in their bedrooms, as long as they are all consenting ADULTS. and frankly I don't car if my neighbor down the street wants to get high every now and again, as long as he shovels his sidewalk in the winter and cleans up after his dog if it shits in my lawn.

But I don't watch TV, I can't bare to sit through the comersials. and the shows seem geared to the lowest comon denominator. The actors tend to repulse me whenever i give it a moments thought. David Shwimmer actually has the audasity to make a "how to be a good parent" commercial. rediculas. what a fukin' douche-bag.
whoopsi, there's my soap box again. sorry kids.

all the love in the world, NIN

dad-e~O said...

wow, after re-reading that i realize a couple of things
1- I despratly need spell check
2- Scott has subtly hinted to me more then once to shut-up and think before i press the the "login and publish" button, but I never learn.
3- that comment/post started as a simple wow E, what a coinidence, ugly american, me too. but ended strangly.

Mark M said...

Comment posting on Blogger was all f'd up last night, so now I finally get to say...

I don't watch much TV at all... Even without it, I feel I'm bombarded by sales pitches that are everywhere in my environment, whether they're selling products or ideas...

I find it hard to imagine a dramatization of a bird flu outbreak that would do the issue justice. It'd be nice to have just the facts, but the facts don't make a good story. We can learn something by studying the 1918 flu epidemic (the Spanish flu), which was caused by a virus that was similar to the H5N1 strain. It is estimated that the Spanish flu killed 50 to 100 million people at a time when world population was around 2 billion (roughly 1 in 30 of everyone alive at the time died). The only thing saving us for now is the difficulty H5N1 has in being passed from person to person. If it mutates into a more easily communicable form, and if it proves as deadly as Spanish flu, half a billion people could die!

This possibility may be hard to accept in an age where few of us succumb to infectious diseases anymore, but we do need to be prepared.

dad-e~O said...

wow, Mark, your like smart and shit.

Scott said...

I think Mark touches on an interesting point. How hard is it to see the true facts through a media, who by nature is a money making venture that sells dramatized stories? How do we react to news that is presented in such a way to pull at our emotions first and facts 2nd? And how would people stay informed if stories were not so appetizing to read?

I to really dislike the TV’s in my home; however my wife is smitten for them so sadly they are here to stay.

Oh and one last beef, while thinking about TV and modern media, have any of you noticed the sheer amount of advertising that portrays men as being absolute dopes? I know women make some where around 80% of the purchasing decisions in our nation, and I know I am just a dopey guy but that does not mean I like being constantly reminded of it. Does reminding women they are really the superior sex really sell? Don’t they already know they are in charge?

Pummeled and beaten in to submission by the cruelty of modern media.

dad-e~O said...

Don't forget that also according to the ad's a awful lot of us boy's have problems with our "hydrolics" and are real concerened about our hair color/loss.
Fortunatly for me, here at the Barson house we do have 2 tv's, but only antenea reception (no cable) and the set with the antenea is in the basemant so I have to go out of my way to be around it.

Mark M said...

Thanks, Pete... I'm just grateful it doesn't smart when I shit. Anyway, I think the discussions on this site are generally pretty smart.

dad-e~O said...

Speaking of Hollywoods ability to be Crap Tacular here we have a Coppala family extravigansia:
World Trade Center, the Movie:
I saw a review of this in the Onion, and thought if you boyos missed it. it should be brought to your attention.