Monday, May 29, 2006

Ill send you a dollar....

If you can figure out what this says......

Терор и жертви в Афганистан
Ескалира напрежението в Афганистан, съобщават световните медии.

50 талибани бяха убити при US-въздушен удар по джамия в южноафганистанска провинция.
Сред загиналите са много от лидерите на талибанските групировки, съобщиха от управата на провинция Хелманд.

В същото време в столицата Кабул обстановката е изключително тревожна, а градусът на напрежение, откакто през 2001 г. падна режимът на талибаните, не е бил толкова висок, коментира Die Welt.

При сблъсъка на два самолета - американски военен с цивилен загинаха най-малко 20 души, а 15 са тежко ранени.

Репортери предават от столицата на Афганистан, че улиците са обезлюдени, хората се замерват с камъни, а броят на жертвите се увеличава с всеки изминал ден, предава Die Welt.


Mark M said...

The title says something about terror in Afghanistan. Then it begins with something about 50 Taliban fighters. The last two words are German: "The World." If you want more, I'll need more incentive than a dollar.

It's nice to get news from alternative sources, but you've outdone yourself here, Eric.

Martin said...

Teror and zhertvi into Afghanistan Of eskalira naprezheniyeto into Afghanistan, s"obshchavat you svetovnite medii. 50 talibani of byakha to ubiti with US-v7zduwen impact on dzhamiya into yuzhnoafganistanska province. Media you zaginalite SA much from you liderite on you talibanskite grupirovki, s"obshchikha from upravata on the province Of khelmand. Vreme into stolitsata kabul of obstanovkata e izklyuchitelno is alarming in s"shchoto, and gradus"t to naprezheniye, otkakto of prez of 2001 of padna of rezhim"t on you talibanite, not e of the beaters of tolkova temple, komentira Die Welt. With sbl"s"ka to two aircraft - are American voyenen from tsivilen of zaginakha na1- bevel 20 souls, and 15 SA tezhko of raneni. Of reporteri predavat from stolitsata in Afghanistan, che you ulitsite SA of obezlyudeni, khorata se zamervat from kam"ni, and broyat on you zhertvite se uvelichava from vseki it rumpled den, predava Die Welt.

Best I could do, or feel like doing.

Tommy the Cat...Primus

dad-e~O said...

well, smart ass. whats the story.
I could feed it into a translator, but is it worth it?

Sickboy said...

Mike, Id give you 2 dollars if I cou ld for all that typing. You aint right boy....

Sickboy said...

Yeah Mark, I was trying to figure out why there were 2 German words thrown in there like that, any ideas?

Martin said...

Probably quoting a German newspaper. And I didn't really type much of anything. I cheated, I just cut and pasted the original article in and that's what it spit out.

Sickboy said...

Well, you still get an A for the effort Mike.

How are things going on your are the little ones doing???

Martin said...

The little one isn't sleeping much, so neither is anyone else. Except the dog, she doesn't seem to mind the crying.