Thursday, May 04, 2006

In The News.....

Thursday, May 4, 2006; Posted: 5:28 p.m. EDT (21:28 GMT)

ATLANTA, Georgia (AP) -- Anti-war protesters repeatedly interrupted Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld during a speech Thursday, and one man, a former CIA analyst, accused him in a question-and-answer session of lying about Iraq prewar intelligence.

"Why did you lie to get us into a war that caused these kind of casualties and was not necessary?" asked Ray McGovern, the former analyst.

"I did not lie," shot back Rumsfeld, who waved off security guards ready to remove McGovern from the hall at the Southern Center for International Studies. (Watch protesters confront Rumsfeld -- 3:20)

With Iraq war support remaining low, it is not unusual for top Bush administration officials to encounter protests and hostile questions. But the outbursts Rumsfeld confronted on Thursday seemed beyond the usual.


Sickboy said...

Rumsfeld is indeed a moron.

dad-e~O said...

one of the guys @ work says "they" are going to try to impeach W this summer.
any one else hear that?

Sickboy said...

havent heard anything about that, but I LOVE your new picture.

Sickboy said...

I wouldnt think they would have grounds to impeach W.

Mark M said...

Tippy... maybe if they caught Condi giving him a blowjob, then they'd have grounds?

How about:

1. All the "signing statements" where W tells Congress to fuck themselves without actually vetoing the bill...

2. Approving surveillance on U.S. persons without bothering to get a warrant -- even though he was allowed a 72 hour grace period...

3. Blowing the cover of a CIA agent in violation of the law in order to discourage people from questioning the premise for war against Iraq. Then it turns out the leak may have compromised our ability to gather intelligence on Iran's nuclear program...

4. Violating treaties and international conventions (such as Geneva Convention & the Int'l Convention Against Torture) ... which, since we signed them, have the full force of law, just as if they went through Congress...

5. Suspension of habeas corpus for "unlawful enemy combatants"...

A partial list... Sorry... it's late, and I get crabby when I stay up past my bedtime.

dad-e~O said...

I was going to reply to Eric, but I knew that my response would pale next to Mark's.
umm, but wasn't Bill being impeached for finacial shenanagins first, then the blow job thing?
I for one was absolutly appaled by Clinton's oval office sex. but what really bothered was the straight faced lying " I never had sexual realtions with that woman, Monica Lewinski" I never cared about who else got hummers in the oval office, I was disturbed by her age compared to his (she was Chelsea's age) and the lying, the president should be an example for his constituants.
Now we have a "Leader" who has made the lies of his predesasors look trivial.

And to top it all off I have a f letter word to share.

We are fucked. Eric, Frank, be glad you had a daughter cause the chances of her being drafted are pretty minor. Scott, Steve and I need to worry.

Sickboy said...

I dont think W. needs to be impeached. Even though his progress has sucked as of late, I still feel he is doing a better job then the competetion would be doing. Call me conservative, or w hatever you will, but thats my 2 cents.

dad-e~O said...

I think you raise a valuable point Eric,
Is W doing a better job then his compitition, would have?
I find it hard to beleive that even the most centerist of all dem's would have gotten America involved in a ground war of this magnitude. Over oil.
and the likly hood of a dem riding rough shod over the privacy rights of it's constituants is also fairly slim.
It's impossible to say what the senator would be doing if he were in office now. Would be in this situation?????
Does a grasshopper with only one leg hop in a circle? Who knows.

Don't Misunderstand me, I am no bunny hugging liberal but I am against war. and needless death.

Mark M said...

Right on, Pete. But regardless of what you think of the opposition, W swore an oath to uphold the Constitution. If he violates the law, I don't think it should be liberal or conservative to call him a crook.