Wednesday, May 17, 2006

In The News.....

U.S. won't say if it aids Somali warlords
Associated Press
WASHINGTON - The U.S. is working with regional and international partners to keep al-Qaida from establishing itself in northeastern Africa, White House press secretary Tony Snow said Wednesday. He would not say whether that included warlords in Somalia.

Snow cited Somalia's lack of a functioning government and said Osama bin Laden's network uses such chaotic situations to establish terrorist training centers and bases. Somalia is just across the Gulf of Aden from Yemen and the Saudi Peninsula.

Two weeks ago, Somalia's transitional president said he believed the United States was bankrolling an alliance of warlords, the same people whose armed gangs are keeping Somalia ungovernable.

Asked Wednesday whether the United States was working with warlords, Snow said he had to speak carefully.

"You've got instability in Somalia right now, and there is concern about the presence of foreign terrorists, particularly al-Qaida, within Somalia right now," he said.

"In an environment of instability, as we've seen in the past, al-Qaida may take root, and we want to make sure that al-Qaida does not in fact establish a beachhead in Somalia."

Snow said the United States "will continue to work with regional and international partners wherever we can to crack down on terrorism and also to try to prevent its rising."

At the State Department, spokesman Sean McCormack also declined to be specific about the partners with whom the United States is working.


Sickboy said...

Would these possibly be some of the same Warlords that Clinton went to fought against back in the day?


Sickboy said...

went to fought against.....???? Wow, maybe I should learn to word my replies better. Anyways, I remember a while ago that Clinton ordered a bunch of secret shit against certain Somoli here we are possibly aiding them to fight "terror".

dad-e~O said...

We musn't forget the W's daddy trained Al'Quiada way back in the Afganistan war day's. It was convienent to have a local militant group fighting against those dirty russians during the cold war, unfortunatly the trainee's hated us too, smiled took our money and knowlegde knowing full well that someday they would use the skills against the master, (insert Star Wars quote here)
Fun with world politics...