Saturday, May 06, 2006

Iraqis cheer as British helicopter crashes
Last Updated Sat, 06 May 2006 12:13:54 EDT
CBC News
A British military helicopter crashed into a two-storey house in the southern Iraq city of Basra on Saturday after it was hit by a rocket, police said.

This British armoured vehicle was set ablaze after the helicopter crash in Basra, 550 kilometres southeast of Baghdad. (Nabil Al-Jurani/Associated Press)
Britain's defence ministry said there were casualties, but could give no further details. Iraqi firefighters told Reuters they had seen four charred bodies inside the wreckage.

There were no casualties on the ground, police said.

A crowd of Iraqis set fire to at least one armoured vehicle that rushed to the scene. Others cheered and threw stones at British forces as they tried to seal off the area.

This is another reason why understanding this war is so difficult. I mean here we are trying to police the world while these animals cheer and laugh when troops die. I just dont understand. It does make you see that there is so much more to this war than just what appears to be. I dont think the US is very handy at wanting to help animals, just look what we have done in the past.....

The Middle East is a zoo.


dad-e~O said...

What we call helping is not neccesaraly how they see it. It's an entirely differnet culture. That sees the world differntly. Imagine how an Amish person would feel if they were FORCED to go to an innercity school. they would be horified by every single aspect. from the bus trip in, to gym, to movies in science. It would boggle the mind.
Conservative Muslims beleive Westerners are Evil. and deserve to die.

Sickboy said...

yes, I agree. We are trying to show what a democracy is like to a people that dont understand the blind leading the blind....

Mark M said...

Pete... Yesterday I went to a town hall meeting where U.S. Rep. Jack Murtha spoke, and he said something that is very similar to the first part of your comment...

We sent documents to Sistani and never heard back from him. It turns out he never had anyone translate them, so he never read them. That's because it was advice coming from the Americans. They don't want our advice -- they want us out of there!

Sickboy said...

But we cant just pack it in and leave. We have to figure out a middle ground.

Scott said...

I think an Amish child would do well in an inter-city school. My parents live among quite a few of them up in Mn, and I have found them to be quite in touch with the world, they just refrain from participating in it... to often. I do believe an inter-city kid would not do so well in an Amish school, unless they spoke old German.
I agree with Pete, Conservative Muslims believe Westerners are Evil. and deserve to die. However I also believe that all Conservative religious types often find them selves incompatible with any one but their own.

dad-e~O said...

Scott, your right, an Amish child would probably do well, It was not a good comparison.. Tiff told me so when I was writing it but i went ahead, oh well.
This is a bad situation that is only getting worse.
Mark, that is so typical, Sending documents in English, Sounds like something we would have done to the Indians to trick them out of land, "What do you mean you signed something without reading it." Oh well, so sad.