Wednesday, May 31, 2006

The lawn mowing rant!

On Saturday I borrowed my neighbors gas mower to mow my back yard, because it had not been mowed since the first week in April and my reel mower was not up to the over whelming task of mowing down grass that stood over 18” tall. It was a pathetic day in my life, for it bothers me to no end the very idea of burning any gasoline just to cut grass. But there I was, feeling a little foolish and deflated in the pride department all the while going def with my neighbors grass cutting machine which blasting away at my lawn and ear drums. My ears rang and the mower nearly died 6 or 7 times do to some very thick grass. Oh lousy crappy gas mower why was I submitting to you. If I am going to do harm to my ear drums then I would much prefer it will be at the mercy of a Naked Ray Gun show or something just as worthy. I know I was weak, it was hot and I only had an hour before I was back on baby duty. But do the ends justify the means in this situation? Have any of you ever tried not to be the Ugly American and failed… it sucks! To make matters worse this noisy stinky adventure was hurting my wallet and my sons collage fund, and for what? This so nuts I thought to my self people really do this every week? Does having a nice looking lawn at the expanse of ones ear drums, pocket book, and breathable air some how improve humanity in some useable way? So yesterday I was back in my front yard using my reel mower and it was great, I didn’t have to worry about damage to my eardrums. And I didn’t have to blow any of my savings on gas or oil. And I gained real satisfaction in the notion that I did not have to pollute the atmosphere, in the name of any fresh cut grass. So sure my reel mower is a little quirky and the sight of it frightens others, but I am thankful to occasionally not be such an ugly American.


Sickboy said...

I had no idea they still made reel mowers.

Sickboy said...

And scott, sometimes being the ugly American is all you can just have to roll with it and embrace it.

dad-e~O said...

I think being the ugly american is all about using the most efficient tool, although mabye not greenest.
I use a gas mower and a gas trimmer, and if I could I would get a gas blower, I'm just lazy though.
I'm the hipocratic ugly american, I tell myself I take public transportation whenever possible just so I can justify my small use of the fossil fuels when I need them the most.

big props to you for doing an entire lawn with a "Reel Mower"

Martin said...

yep, I have a reel mower too, of course my "yard" is about 30 square feet

Martin said...

It could be worse, you could be paying a landscaping company to mow your lawn and pick up dog crap for you.

Sickboy said...

Now THAT would be the ugly American for you...

Scott said...

Dont laugh it is on the table.

Martin said...

If you do pay someone to do it, you're supporting the economy. There are benefits to both sides.

gates of steel..Devo

Sickboy said...

I agree Mike, I enjoy being the ugly American....

dad-e~O said...

My mom has a dog crap cleaning service. her husband is to fat and lazy.

steve butt said...

i don't have a lawn, just a collection of rocks and weeds

Sickboy said...

wow frank. thats all I can say.


Martin said...

Frank, I love you.

dad-e~O said...

when can we start having sex again?

Scott said...

Is FIs Frank volunteering to cut my grass?