Wednesday, May 03, 2006

No More Cola For The Kiddies.....

NEW YORK May 3, 2006 (AP)— The nation's largest beverage distributors have agreed to halt nearly all soda sales to public schools, according to a deal announced Wednesday by the William J. Clinton Foundation.

Under the agreement, the companies have agreed to sell only water, unsweetened juice and low-fat milks to elementary and middle schools, said Jay Carson, a spokesman for former President Bill Clinton. Diet sodas would be sold only to high schools.


Sickboy said...

does Clinton have to have his foot in everything?

Scott said...

F’n corn syrup is the elixir of the devil!

Sickboy said...

Were you the one telling me about how you eliminated corn syrup from their diet? Someone just told me they cut it out and lost weight and that they feel a million times better.

was that you?

dad-e~O said...

I think that may have been me.
although not compleatly, but close.
I got rid of most sugar's (except whats in Alcohal, and Jelly

Sickboy said...

maybe it was you PJ

dad-e~O said...

I heard this on the news this morning and was glad.
the last thing on gods green earth the kids of this country need is more HFCS. it's in damn near everyting as it is.
Ever read the book "Sugar Blues" I don't remember the author. not terribly well written but full of interesting info.