Friday, May 19, 2006

Pope censures Mexican priest after abuse probe

Friday, May 19, 2006; Posted: 2:31 p.m. EDT (18:31 GMT)

VATICAN CITY (Reuters) -- The Vatican said Friday it had disciplined the Mexican founder of an influential Catholic religious order who has been accused of sexual abuse, instructing him to retire to a life of "prayer and penitence."

The censure of the Rev. Marcial Maciel, 86-year-old founder of the Legionaries of Christ, is significant because he and his conservative order had found favor under the late Pope John Paul II, making the decision by Pope Benedict XVI even bolder.

The instruction was the new pope's first major decision involving sexual abuse charges since his election last year. Before he was elected, Benedict decried the "filth" in the church.

This is just sad, so very sad. It is sad that a person in such an influential position can and would do such an act. I was born and raised Catholic and the thought is a shame. I think that every branch of society has wrong doers in it. You can look at crooked cops, corrput judges or teachers that dont give two shits about their students...but these are kids...innocent children that have been involved in these crimes. A line was crossed and something terrible happened. I dont think it reflects on the entire Catholic Church but it definitley casts a shadow on it.


Scott said...

Eric, I love when you add your own commentary on to a story. I often only read the headline, and then quickly skip to the bottom to see what you have said.

Sickboy said...

Well thanks Scott, I will try to do that more often then. I just think that some daily news bites helps to add a l ittle to the blog on a daily us something to talk about...bitch about...whichever....

dad-e~O said...

Overall the Church is a good orginization that does great things for the communities.
Anyone read "another roadside attraction" by Tom Robbins. Tells a story of a guy who is in the catacombs under the Vatican and finds the Body Of Christ, he proceeds to bring it back to the US. Hilarity insues.... I love Tom Robbins