Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Thought for the day :

" You can judge a man by how he keeps his golf score. "


Sickboy said...

And to the very best of my knowledge, none of us have ever golfed....

dad-e~O said...

whoops, I have. I actually own a set of clubs. Although I am very bad. last round I lost 20 balls into water hazzards.

Scott said...

Dido, I own a set as well, but I am certain that I am not even as good as Pete. I usualy play one every two years.

Sickboy said...

wow, we do have golfers amongst us, thats kinda impressive. I wouldnt know where to start when it comes to golfing.

dad-e~O said...

'round about the same time we started checking our e-mail?