Wednesday, May 31, 2006

the ugly american

When I think of the ugly American I dont think of too much on the positive side of life, but then again, I dont think too much on the positive side of life anyways. I think the ugly American is in all of us and it is just that; ugly. I think it is being selfish but still being able to love at the same time. I think tough love is a very big part of the ugly American.

I partake in being the ugly American often and at times, I love it.

I think being the ugly American means you eat red meat. It means you arent ashamed of the flag. It means you dont care about the enviornment as much as you know you should. It means getting what you want and getting it now. It means loving your fellow Country men and women in a very special and unique way.

It means abusing power, taking advantage of those weaker and loving yourself for it.

It means busting your ass and being lazy as hell all at once.

It means owning a car and never driving it. Why? Just because you can....

It means being ugly, but being a God damn American.

It means not understanding (nor giving a shit) as to why we have been taken over by a hip hop generation.

You have to love it.

It also means having children and loving them to no end in a very protective way. It means being proud of the stars and stripes because we have them and they dont. It means sucking down cold beer and hot dogs while the 3rd world starves.

It means allowing the negative to at times over power the positive. It means questioning authority even when you shoudlnt.

It means cutting someone off in traffic.

It means watching too much TV and not reading enough.

It means mowing your lawn with a reel mower and opposed to the traditional gas powered monster.

It means being ugly, but being a God damn American.
I am the ugly American
I hate what I am
I am the ugly American
I hate what I am
I take a picture of your founding father
I hate a picture of your local color
I take a picture of your founding father
I take a picture of your local color
We're so ugly, we're so ugly
We're so ugly
I am the ugly American
I am the ugly American
I am the ugly American
I hate what you are
Take a picture of your declasse
Take a picture and you only say
Take a picture of your ugly country
Take a picture and you only say
I am the ugly American
I am the ugly American
I am the ugly American
I hate what you are
Take a picture of your declasse
Take a picture of your declasse
Take a picture and you only say
Take a picture and you only say
We're so ugly, we're so ugly
We're so ugly
I am the ugly American
I know what I am
I am the ugly American
I am what I am
Say you're cultured 'cause you had a king?
Your little boys sleep with their sisters
I am the ugly American
I know what I am
I am the ugly American
I love what I am


Sickboy said...

no problem Mr. Frank, glad to make your night.

dad-e~O said...

true story:
I was on a winery familiarization trip in northern california. and in an open table discusion about wine I actually refered to myself as "the ugly american" about 25 people around the table discusing wine and labeling and grapes ectera, I spout off with "bla, bla, bla, but I know what I like and I like it simple, and I know that it sells in my dining room, because more people are like me then are willing to admit, I'm the ugly american" and to mis-qoute another song, "they just looked at me." (i forget wich song cause I'm drunk)

dad-e~O said...

where the hell did you dig up those lyrics?

Martin said...

Where did this ugly american explosion come from? about 75% of the last posts contain some reference. What particularly confounds me is that the term is, or was anyway, primarily used to describe american tourists acting like obnoxious douchebags while in other countries, not how they chose to live their own lives while at home.
It is a great song though, about some american tourist going around taking pictures of some countries inferior standing, declasse.

dad-e~O said...

Not sure Martin, just one of those OMI quirks, like our Mongo sex, and "Piss off" taking the place of "Aloha". I sort of started using the term to describe / justify / understand / explain my actions a long time ago.
Do I genuinly feel I'm (or any of you) an "Ugly American", no. but it's a fun little term of endearment.

little digger, liz phair

Sickboy said...

I dunno where I got on this kick w/ the ugly american even though I also knew one had nothing to do wi th the other. Im done w ith it now though, Ill just go on being hte ugly american on my own.

Martin said...

I'm not trying to steer anyone away from discussion about or using the term, it just seemed to show up every other post.

Scott said...

"fun little term of endearment" Indeed! Just like "Chucky Chicken"

See the January Post " Filthy mouths, good intentions, and OFFMEN slang"

Scott said...

"fun little term of endearment" Indeed! Just like "Chucky Chicken"

See the January Post " Filthy mouths, good intentions, and OFFMEN slang"

dad-e~O said...

what's the pic?