Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Wednesday’s weekly random Photo 05/09

Kind of a weird one pulled from the vault this week. Not sure if we were trying to construct a totem pole or just being stilly / bored.

Last I heard Pat M. was doing some sort of web radio business.


Sickboy said...

I vaguely remember this happening. We were outside Diana'a house.

Wed radio huh? I wonder if any of the online sponsers are dentists for bad molors.

Scott said...

Yeah, google is not giving me any info on him as of yet.

dad-e~O said...

Cute Pic,
Have you ever tried gooogling Ian Kuhn?
I got some DMB stuff.

Scott said...

Ian Kuhn
Monitor Engineer
Dave Matthews Band

I see a Chicago phone # as well as a Email address

dad-e~O said...

are you gonna take the plunge and drop the dude a note?
I barely new him..

Sickboy said...

yeah I barely knew him myself. If it wasnt for Mike T., I wouldnt have known him at all. I barely remember him being around.

Anonymous said...

We were outside my house. Super late, super bored. I distinctly remember drawers being dropped and tops coming off. In fact, I have the pictures to prove it. Nothing like reminicing over pics of my favorite men's bon bons.