Monday, October 13, 2008


---I figured Mr. Steve would like this along w/ PJB. This fucker really left me thinking. If this was pulled off by the Government, it was way beyond and way over Bush's head. He had no damn clue. Secret ops. like the CIA and divisions like that may have been involved, but this act was WAY bigger than 'ole W. That is, once again, if this short documentary is true.

It left me thinking pretty hard.---


dad-e~O said...

To actually to believe that our own government is responsible for a travesty on the level of 9-11 is so unspeakably horrible. words escape me.
I refuse to even entertain the idea.
If it's true, then I want to be an ostrich.

Sickboy said...

yeah, Ive heard and read a lot of conspiracy bullshit about that day, but Im like you, I just cannot fathom our own Govt. doing something like this, but some of these videos do leave ya guessing.

dad-e~O said...

to me these videos are like extreme body modification pics/videos. sure they are interesting, but do I really want to see that?

dad-e~O said...

interstingly enough, on the otherblog I frequent, this same topic was sorta brought up. and someone posted this link:

Sickboy said...

Yeah, that was also a good read PJB, I enjoyed it. I wouldnt put anything past certain groups in Washington though, but yeah, its not gonna make the internet, theyd never let it get out.

Im just glad it got you and I talking.

Scott said...

My my, you two have sure been chatty these past few days. Just remember what you say on the internet, stays on the internet.... Muhuhahahaha!

I watched maybe 15 seconds of this, before calling bullshit. To slick from the start for me.

Sickboy said...

You guys are no fun. Cant even get ya into a silly little conspiracy theory here. Yeah, it is b.s. though, but interesting. This is what a man does when he has time to kill on a Mon. afternoon and surfs around Youtube for about an hour.

I was hoping for a more interesting reaction from you guys even though it is junk, I was just tryin to start some small talk.

I didnt mean to bug ya.

Scott said...

Didn't bug me any, I like your wacky stuff.

Sickboy said...

Maybe this will make ya all feel better. I liked this the most!

dad-e~O said...

yes, I saw that Penn & Teller bit awhile ago. I like those guys.
Have you seen their take on the Boy Scouts? awesome stuff.

steve butt said...

when people tell me that they could not believe that our government would not sacrifice several thousand people to further their aims i like to point out that they do it in every war. for me the only explanation that makes sense is that our government carried out the attack. the "official" story is very weak and doesn't explain about ninety percent of the facts.

Sickboy said...

So, what Steve, you believe those planes were "remote controlled" and all that horse shit? What about the people that were on those flights? Are they now in hiding, being forced to work for the Govt. in some bullshit secret facility?

steve butt said...

to tell you the truth, i didn't watch your linked video so I don't know what was said. however, i do believe that Dick Cheney was calling the shots that day and that Neil Bush's firm installed explosives in the
world Trade Center a year before the attacks, and that Osama, even though he professes to hate us, was just a patsy. I just know that there are way to many inconsistancies for the official story to be correct.

dad-e~O said...

If I said that I couldn't believe it, I miss spoke, what I wanted to say, is that I don't want to believe it.

Sickboy said...

Fuck. Who knows guys. Keep in mind, these are ALL politicians we are talking about.

How the fuck are a bunch of people gonna walk into the WTC and plant "explosives" without someone saying something or snapping a pic? This is STILL America. I dunno, maybe Im wrong, but if I saw that happening Id be calling the local news or some shit.

And dont tell me these people were "silenced". you cant "silence" everyone. People still care. Thats whats wrong with this country. Its filled w/ a bunch of selfish pussies who wont help their neighbor if it means they may get "dirty".

Sickboy said...

Steve, what have you heard about the pentagon plane crash that looks impossible and also what have you heard about the plane that crashed in PA?

steve butt said...

i've heard that the descent of the plane would have been nearly impossible for a very qualified pilot and that there was absolutely no plane wreckage on the ground outside the pentagon. i also heard that the coroner in pennsylvania never found any bodies.

to address a couple of other points
the firm that neil bush runs installed a "security system" into the world trade center a year before they fell. now that alone doesn't prove anything but it shows an opportunity to to install the need explosives right under the eyes of every one. and the fact remains that the buildings fell at free fall speed. which means that the top of the build encountered no resistance on its way to the ground.
neither building could of fallen any faster.

as for the possibility of remote controlled planes or whatever i don't know. possibly maybe. there was a plan put out by the cia against cuba back in the sixties that called for a dummy plane with a fake passenger manifest that was to be "shot down" by cuba to provoke a war with them. maybe they did that. nobody i knew died on a plane but i sure would hate to take away from anybody that really lost anyone.

Sickboy said...

I understand your insight Steve. But would all of this just been done to carry out war? Was there a financial goal? Where did the "passengers" from those flights go?

I have heard A LOT of talk of how the 2nd plane that hit the WTC Looked nothing like a commercial jet. People said it had no windows and it had an odd shape on the bottom of the jet itself.

Sickboy said...

Steve, I hope you still pay attention to this thread, I still have a lot of questions and I know you follow all the odd man out/conspiracy theories.

Id love to hear more.

steve butt said...

the financial goal? do you remember all the put orders reported. they were stock orders put on the airlines involved and on business headquartered in the wtc. the people who placed them(names not released) made millions of dollars. the fbi investigated them and said since they found no connection between the benefactors and al queda they couldn't be involved in the attacks. that says that since we know who did it already any evidence, no matter how strong, is nullified if it doesn't indicate our prechosen suspect.