Friday, October 17, 2008

A few words.....

---Joe the plumber.

What a fucking joke. Thats all Im gonna say. This "election" is outta control. Its in the bag for Obama, which I have no huge problem with, simply because I think McCain is fuckin' senile and gettin worse by the day. Staunch Repub's are walking away from John everyday now in fucking DROVES. McCain has disgraced himself, his Senate chair and the party he represents.

Do I smell a landslide?

Have a great weekend boys. Its gotten DAMN chilly here, we got our first real frost last night, wasnt too bad though, hasnt killed plants or anything yet, but I think the damn bugs bit it, WOOHOO. Only gonna be in the 60s all next week.

Pardon all my profanity, but I needed the blog to vent a tad. You guys know how hard of a Repub. I was and then we get stuck w/ a MORON like McCain to represent us in the Gen. election? Youve already heard my speech though, yeah, Im GOP at heart, but not this election year, I am walking away, Im still undecided as to whom I will vote for, but Im studying Obama really damn hard now. As I get ready to crash for the night, I just heard on TV, that the Univ. of Nebraska has cancelled a Bill Ayers speaking engagement citing it as a "safety" matter. What the hell? The guy was a Weathermen radical many, many, many years ago. Get the hell over it, hes a professor now. Im not going to say anything else on this subject out of fear of getting this little blog "flagged" by certain organizations. America is currently dead. Wake me when she wakes up, would ya? Fuck, Im mad.

Have a good weekend. Enjoy the kids Scott. Sell some bikes, lots of bikes PJB.---


dad-e~O said...

the worst part of the Joe the Plumber saga. Is McCain didn't even have enough sense to make something up! (change the names to protect the inocent) So this dudes got reporters camped out on his f'in lawn, and assholes pouring over his personal history.
Sure the guy has some valid questions, but why not make him "Bob the Builder from Buffalo".
And these Obama-ites are looking like jackasses now, cause they are talking about the fact that he's JUST a PLUMBER. and He's not even registered to vote.
So what, the questions still stand, if you are trying to help the middle class, you should explain how, in clear easy to understand english.

Sickboy said...

I guess this plumber, Joe has an assload of back taxes to pay and all kinds of shit too.

Im just gonna say this real quick thing right now and then Ill leave it open for chi chat. Its not because hes black either, but I feel that if the McCain massacre does somehow, find a way to steal this election race away from Obama, I think that we may see the potential for riots and HUGE protests through out the US because a Johnny boy victory will just take millions of peoples hope and flush it down the DC toilet cuz they believed Barack was gonna do it...make real change here in the US. McCain? Prolly 4 more years of W. tactics just in a diff. package. And once again I stand firm and say, MOTHERFUCK Palin!!!

Im serious! Riots and protests from ALL races and creeds.

dad-e~O said...

lets hope you are wrong. Race riots on a national scale would suck ass

Sickboy said...

Oh no shit, race riots on a national scale would suck ass. But they happened when the pigs got off at the Rodney King Trial, there were the MLK riots and the Watts riots.

I wouldnt count it out of the equation.

I just think most of the people would feel so robbed of such hope in Obama that they wouldnt know what to do, ya know? And Im talking about people from all races, not just blacks.

steve butt said...

how do like Palin going on SNL with Josh Brolin, the star of "W". any chance to associate the McCain campaign with The Bush Administration I thought that they were trying to separate from king george?

Sickboy said...

Its out of control now. That old man McCain doesnt know his own policies from a food receipt and Palin has a lot to hide too, like where in the hell are her medical records? We dont get to see those? The bitch is running for the 2nd most important job in the World.