Monday, October 06, 2008

Hows it goin?

---Things here are rather calm, which is fine by me. Still cant believe its October already, can you? Before we know it, the white stuff will be floating all over the place.

I honestly only understand the basics on the economy to talk about it, so I wont bother, I just hope that if any of you guys had investments that they didnt take a hit. All Ive been hearing is that this is gonna be a long and slow road to fully recover from it.

I went to my trusty mechanic this AM to drop off my car for an oil change and holy shit, the guy folded out of nowhere, he just tanked! He was a cool guy who was honest in his work, he'd cut off a decent chunk of labor fees if he knew you didnt have it, he did that for me twice. He was just good people. I guess Ill be going to Wal-Mart for my oil changes from now on, I aint goin to those Jiffy Lube kinda places where they charge ya 35-40 bucks for an oil change, thats robbery.

We have rain moving in tonight and tomorrow, only gonna be 65 tomorrow, but back to 70 by Weds.

I have been confronted with a rather serious problem and Im not sure what to do. I KNOW what I have to do, but can I handle it? This problem isnt/hasnt become dangerous or anything yet and its not about me, Im fine. Im just not sure what to do.

Details will follow when I can be more open about it once my mind set is more clear.---


dad-e~O said...

Dude, if you look around, you can find another Local Business person to deal with for your car needs, even if it's the dealership. Wal-Mart is whats wrong with this country. Sure it's cheap, but it's faceless, nameless, and without Soul.

Sickboy said...

Yeah, I was thinking of another place down the road here called Tuffy, their prices are alright for things like that.

I would never take my car to a dealership.

Scott said...

I am not sure I agree 100% that Wal-Mart is whats wrong with this country. How ever I will say that they most assuredly are enemy #1 to any and all small business in existence today. That being said I avoid them like the black plague! Hope you are able to find a different small shop close, may be one that gives a rats ass about you and the community they serve.

Sickboy said...

Here is my stance. I shop at Wally all the time. Why you may ask because they are so evil? Im on disability. Wanna know how much money I make every month. Not every 2 weeks but every month? 745 damn dollars.

I buy my own food, pay for the internet, pay on my student loans and I kick in for the bills here at our home. I get paid on the 3rd of every month, usually by the 10th or 11th of the month, Im lucky to have 40 bucks left and then that goes to gas money. Sometimes, I figure out how to cut a break where I can go buy something I like, but not too often.

I couldnt care less what Wally represents. They sell cheap food and so on.

Im classified in the poverty level of life, we will see what the next Pres. does to help my ass out! To me its all big talk right now. They dont give a fuck about the poverty level families like mine.

Fuck Washington.

dad-e~O said...

I'll grant you that it's cheap. I'm sorry that I was a bit rash, but once every week or so, I have someone bring me their "New" bike from WallyWorld, that doesn't work, excpecting miracles.
I want to tell them, Don't buy transprortation from the same place you buy underwear. the kid who assembled this thing, should have been stocking freetos in aisle 306b.
So I'm bitter, not only do they sell bikes/Helmets/locks cheaper then anyone else, but they have zero support.
I had a woman, ask me why "Bell" helmets are more $$ then at Walmart/Target. I was compelled to explain to her that I will size and fit her daughter to an ASPCA certified helmet, while at the Big Box stoer they tell you Aisle 862c mam.
one of my neighbors, kids told one of my kids, that they don't shop at my store cause it's "Kinda Pricey" gee I wonder where little Jimmy picked that up?

dad-e~O said...

And as far as dealerships are concerned. I would have totally agreed with you, untill the other day. I brought the Element to the dealership cause I had a free coupon for it's first oil change. Not only did they get me in-out in less time then they said, but everyone I dealt with was SUPER friendly and accomadating.
go Bob ROARman, go.