Saturday, October 25, 2008

Story time...

---Here is a little story my ex and my girl had last night before going to bed. It really made me think. OK, read away....

I was watching Rachel Maddow, which is an MSNBC show that covers politics....Rachel is nice and kind and not angry, throws some snark in but is very intelligent and cool.

A segment came on about the chick who faked the whole "Obama lunatic angry black man carved a "B" on my face!" thing.

Ava was playing but started paying attention and asking questions. I explained to her that the girl lied to the police and said a black man attacked her and carved a B on her face because he was mad she didn't like Obama and liked McCain better.

The footage showed the girl cuffed and headed to jail, so Ava asked why. I said, its against the law to lie to the police. And its also very bad to make up a story to make black people look bad.

She said "That girl is a bully and should go to jail forever!!!". And asked why she didn't like black people. I had to tell her some people even now don't like black people and are mean to them,

Her face got really sad, and I asked her....does that make you sad?

She quietly said, "That makes me really sad. Really, really sad." & was quiet.

(seriously this was a reeeeeaaallly hard moment for me....)

I have read her that book I got her called "Henry's Freedom Box", and have explained a little about slavery. In the book, Henry is a child slave, grows up and marries another slave woman who was owned by another master who allowed it, and sold her to his master. They had kids (this is a true story, BTW). His master took ill and lost money, and Henry is told one day at work in his master's factory that his master was selling his wife and kids out in the town square. He got there in time to see them being hauled away.

He eventually escaped his master by literally MAILING himself in a wooden crate to someone a white friend of slaves hooked him up with up north, had a harrowing ride on a boat....upside down, little air, no food for days. He found freedom but never saw his wife and kids again.

Yeah, it was hardcore for a small child. I didnt realize it would be. But its also true....and we cant pretend like it didnt happen, and she needs to know.

Anyway, she then said to me....."We didnt ever slave black people did we? Oh, no, we couldn't...we weren't even invented then".


"Would they slave Daddy? His skin is brown."

I explained no, Daddy wasnt invented then either....and Daddy is really "white", but darker. She talked about a kid in her class named Dean who is so dark there is no "lightness" to his skin. She went on to ask if people who don't like black people are mean to kids.

I told her no (which is probably a lie), and said its grown ups being mean to grown ups and its wrong. She said "We're good white people, right? We aren't mean to black people."

I agreed and told her yes, we are good...and that I was proud of her for being a good person. That skin color doesn't matter.....whether light or dark skinned as white people or light or dark skinned as black people, we're all the same.

She finally let it go......but I don't doubt it will stay with her. I'm pretty pissed at McCain and his constant hate mongering that inspired this stunt. More than that, I'm pissed that when a black man is this close to doing something incredible for the country....this WORLD we live in and she will grow up in, that racist assholes would try to destroy it. And the fallout is affecting our children.

Pretty deep shit coming from a nearly 6 year old kid huh? It blew me away! Shes a smart little one. But yeah, it just goes to show what the McCain boys and girls are up to and how they are breeding so much hate which they hope can carry then to the polls. Fuck guys, Im smelling a damn landslide here. That old ass, unhealthy, ugly prick doesnt stand a chance. Then Palin can go back to Alaska and shoot moose with her Dad cuz she'll never be welcomed in DC. She goes out and blows 150K on a new look, yet at the same time shes "just like every other hard working American family out there." Bullshit. I hope on election night she throws some kind of temper tantrum for the whole world to see so she finally puts the last nail in her coffin, thus never being welcomed in DC again. Damn bitch.

But anyways, the kid got pretty deep on Mom last night and I wanted to share it with you guys to show you that even innocent little 5 year old girls are being effected by McCain's bullshit.---


dad-e~O said...

kids are amazing.
It's tough to learn about the bad stuff in the world, but hopefully we can decrease the blow by teaching it first.

dad-e~O said...

did you share that story with your Mom?

Sickboy said...

Nah, I aint gonna share shit w/ my Mom, its useless. She is totally sheep covered by McLame and his bitch Palin.

dad-e~O said...

that's to bad. I am taking credit for helping see an old friend see the light (even if it's not completely accurate). Who knows maybe you could too.