Sunday, December 14, 2008

1,564 and counting

---Thats how many posts our blog has had. Impressive! And to think, this blog is getting in the neighborhood of its 3rd Birthday already! Damn, where did all that time go?

It was nice here yesterday, about 45, sunny and it was even nice when I got up this morning at 8, but out of nowheresville the sky went gray and it got damn chilly. I guess the high temp. here for the next couple of days is like 13.

Well, I got all the holiday shopping done this past Friday. Some was done here, some was done online. I have NO damn clue as to what Im getting from anyone this year, Im kinda excited about that.

Ive been looking around the interwebs for a t shirt that just says "Old School" on it and I have had no luck. I was gonna use Cafe Press and design my own, but I cant even find an image that just says Old School.

Hows things there? Business slow down PJB? Hows the wee little girl Scott? I finally have come to the realization that my tummy can no longer sustain fully caffeinated coffee. Ugh, I had 2 1/2 cups this AM and it felt like gut rot after about a half hour. I think Im gonna have to go with a 50/50 blend from now on. Has that happened to any of you at all? Its weird, I can drink iced tea, which has more caffeine than coffee without any troubles, but the coffee, oh man, it wrecks me. Lately all I have been drinking is Gatoraide. Not because its a healthy, so called thirst quencher, but there are quite a few flavors I enjoy.

So, whats up?---


dad-e~O said...

can't you just go to the mall and have someone embroider a shirt?
I have been slow biz wise, but busy getting my budget and stuff in a pile for 09.

Sickboy said...

I dunno about the shirt, Ive given up hope for now. Im glad youre gettin in line for 09.