Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Its not letting up!

---So tomorrow, we are supposed to get hit w/ an ice storm (1/4 inch of ice, too much for me), sleet, then snowfall totaling 3 inches. Ole man Winter isnt even officially in here until next week and he wont let up already! The snow? Thats all good, dont mind it at all, but the ice? Fuck that shit, no thanks, I always get freaked out we are gonna lose power and heat!

Helped the kid decorate Christmas cookies tonight at the ex's digs, it was messy and fun. I wont get to do Christmas w/ my Ava until after Christmas itself, she'll be outta town on the actual holiday. Im used to that though. Christmas Eve I think Ill take me Mum out to dinner, then on Christmas day, we are gonna have her trademark Lasagna.

Im still clueless as to what Im getting from anyone, its rather exciting.

My Social D. bootleg inventory is now up to 38! Woot! Woot!

Been pretty frigid here the past few days, its been long underwear weather by far!

I hope you guys are all geared up for the Holidays, hows that goin on your end guys?

New Years will be spent with the ex and Ava. I dont drink (really, not much anyways) and the ex will knock back a few barley pops, so it will be a quiet night. The ex may have a few people over too which would rock. Ava usually spends 4 or 5 nights ahead of time cutting out and making her own "home made" confetti for New Years. Shes allowed to stay up as late as she can muster that night, but shes usually out on the couch by 10, 1030, then I carry her to bed.

Whats about you guyses? New Years plans? Any? None? Too many?

I saw this rather pudgy looking, kinda small bottle of clear tequila at the store the other day. 40 damn dollars! Thats insane, but at the same time, damn I bet its yummy with salt lick and a lime chaser. No way am I gonna drop 40 bones on a bottle though. No damn way.

Well boyos, thats about it here, shout back when ya can, OK?---


Scott said...

Did you get ice or snow?

We received and ass load of snow. It was fun.

Sickboy said...

we got both. Ice first, then snow!