Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Oh No! What are we doing? Scott's First Post

What a guilty pleasure this is for me! I have far to much on my to-do list to be sitting here writing about my daily life, however I am thrilled to be doing this as part of what could be a noble cause. Well maybe noble on the lowest order, but noble for my brothers I believe yes!

One: I have managed to lose touch with most of my brothers… Yes it’s my fault, and I find it to be a most serious of regrets, because the OFFMEN are a great bunch of guys.

Two: It bothers me to no end that when you Google OFFMEN International… well nothing that is NOTHING happens no OMI no dirty laundry no record of that which once was. This is to me small relief and a big bummer both at the same time.

Three: I had been toying with the idea of doing a blog for some time now but the thought of doing it anonymously is no so good for me. But may be bearing my soul to my brothers, and the rest of the world as an OFFMEN, is even more perverse.

Four: One step forward One step back, ever since reading the diaries of Samuel Peeps, I have been in love with the idea of creating a historical diary, not just the day to day stuff, but also the stuff that we keep in our memories.

I am not out to step on any ones toes with this blog, you see aside from Eric, I didn’t ask any of you if using the name of our club is appropriate as a blog. And I really hope you do like it. I hope that some how in some way it brings a little joy and hope to your lives. Maybe you don’t know this but the years we spent together were some of the best years I had ever known, and they continue to shape my person even today.


Scott Cain

If you are an OFFMEN then you are allowed to post here. IF not then you are only allowed to comment on postings. CHEERS!

1 comment:

Scott said...

Like Scott said, I too am so very guilty of blowing of the brother hood for many years...too many! I loved this idea when Scott originally conceived it and I was on board form the get-go. Ive always been fasciinated by blogs, but never thought to make one up simply because it wouldnt draw any attention.

Well I hope and think with time and a few lucky keystrokes this blog itself will attract the right people.

If so, welcome back brothers and if you just happened to surf on by, well, welcome to you too for what it is worth and Im glad your here also.
