Friday, January 13, 2006

One Step Back, Offmen Camping...Long Ago

With out going into details, let me suggest that I had a little to much to drink that day. On the Left.


Scott said...

Is that little ole me in that photo too? Gosh, I know I was 16 there, but I look like Im 13. Hah. Yeah, that was long ago...when was that exactly, summer of 91?

Scott said...

the axe...I remember the ax, I think that had already taken place by time this shot was snapped off. Speaking of shots, Christ, I cant remember the last time I got drunk while it was still daylight out. Hell, I cant even remember the last time I got drunk at all. Anyways, the axe: Mike had become enraged over something, Im not sure what and he managed to grab our firewood axe and he started swinging it madly in the air. I remember he managed to connect with my old metal cooler that was brought along on the trip. If I can recall right, he put a few nice gashes into it, rendering it useless for the rest of the trip. I think it ended up getting buried along with the rest of our garbage from that weekend.

That was my Mom's old cooler and man was she pissed when I told her what happened.

Scott said...

I recall deciding for no other reason other than it was 5'o-clock some where in the world that it was time to get drunk... and then the melay began. Didnt we order a pizza after all of the drunken lunacy had calmed back down? Did they deliver? We where in the middle of nowhere.

Scott said...

I think what had happened is a few of you bastards snuck away and ate in town and left the rest of us to forage for what was left on site. I remember eating a dorito sandwich before going off to hunt the rice man that night.