Monday, February 13, 2006

Fear of Food!!!

Today, I start something new in life, something I have never done before and I am nervous.

I am going on a diet.

One of the medications I am on has caused me to gain an amount of weight I am not happy with because it is not healthy and it makes me look stupid. I look like a young faced 25 year old (even though Im 32) with a beer gut. Ive noticed it has made climbling stairs harder and it has made certain clothes all but impossible to get into. It makes me sad and I don’t need sad in my life.

I will keep you updated as to how it all goes. I am just gonna try to cut back on food altogether. I don’t wanna do the no carb thing and I don’t wanna do some other strange diet where I only eat tomatoes or grape fruit 4 times a day. I just need to use my head and watch what I stuff into my face.

Ill keep you posted….

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