Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Lousy repeating nightmares!

It happened again last night, I keep having this reoccurring nightmare. The setting fluctuates however the scenario is always the same. It is the night before final exams, I am in collage, although the building that all of my classes are in is in fact my old high school (an inhuman nightmare in it's self). I am having a panic attach because I have just realized that even though I have done exceptional in most of my classes there are two classes I simply have not made the time to go to since the beginning of the semester. I am panicking because not only do I know that I have a semester of missed assignments, but I have no clues as to what the final exam will be on, and if I did not have time for them why the hell did I not drop these classes? The classes are also usually the same Art History, and Sociology, which only adds to the confusing realism of these annoying dreams. Also I will admit that some times I am in fact without pants or only in my underwear, but I am usually able to push past this detail and focus on the greater task at hand, that being those missed classes. Some times I will walk right into the class and try and bluff my way through these final exam in nothing more than my under pants. Often this is when I wake up feeling very rattled, and annoyed that it happened again.


1 comment:

Sickboy said...

Wow, I never thought the the running around in your underwear was true. I have never talked to anyone who actually had that happend in a dream but now, thanks to you Scott, I am a believer.