Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Offmen Pool Parties...

They were wet and huge: they were Frank’s pool parties. I can remember a few details from Frank’s pool parties…lots and lots of beer and food, mostly your obvious stuff like hot dogs and burgers. I can also remember being forced to play Frank’s favorite pool game: Impression Diving, where you had to act like someone or something else as you were diving into the pool and the people in the pool had to guess what or who you were.

Frank’s pool parties were pretty big. I would say an average one consisted of at least 10 to 12 people. His pool was pretty kick ass too and his parents were really cool about the whole thing too, they never seemed to mind the people running about.

I have one vivid pool memory that sticks out in my mind also. I was sitting out front of Frank’s house for some odd reason: I think I was waiting for someone to drive by and I innocently took a seat on the back of Frank’s Dads Early 80s Mercedes Benz. So there I was, sitting on the trunk of the car putting my shoes on when I hear a car come speeding up on me out of nowhere. I looked up and it was Frank’s Brother, Larry! He jumped out of his car and got right up in my face and yelled at me for sitting on the car. Needless to say if you knew Larry, you knew he was NOT to be crossed or pissed off! Well, I quickly hopped off the car and went strolling around the side of the house until he left again. Thankfully, though, a few weeks later when Larry was actually introduced to me by  Frank, he apologized for the incident.

Hey Scott, got any pool party memories to share???


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